There Go the Ships - DCBB 2012 by Pax-Dracona on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Pax-Dracona's avatar



Published: Oct 29, 2012



Also on Tumblr: [link] :)

For the DeanCas Big Bang, part 1 of 2 of story number 1 (did that make sense :o) \:D/ I wanted to try something different with coloring, I hope it’s not too flashy, hehe /o\
Thanks to the lovely oomnydevvotchka ([link]) over at LJ for supplying an awesome story and for giving me free reign over the pics, hehe.
Title: There Go The Ships
Author: oomnydevvotchka
Fic Masterpost: [link]
Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel, Sam/Daphne
Rating (art): Fluff and puppies all around :)
Notes: F-first Big Bang! I had so much fun and had wanted to draw a lot more, were it not for the fact I suddenly landed an unexpected full-time job \o/ Hope I did everything right and that you enjoy both the awesome fic and the pics :)

Image size

782x1003px 608.91 KB

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