HL: Evelyn St. Martin by PCChamp053 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Evelyn St. Martin

Age: 38 at Death | 62 Years Existence

Gender: Female

Pokemon: Gourgeist (Super Sized)

Height: 6 feet 1 inches

Bodystyle: Hourglass/Curvy

Birthday: April 11th, 1961
Rebirth: April 18th, 1999

Home Island:

Affection Atoll - G7, C2, H8


+ Cheerful, Optimistic, Caring,
- Mischevious, Fawning, Jealous

When life gives you a second chance, Evelyn proves how to properly live it. Evelyn is quite a cheery and optimistic spector. Rarely showing a genuine frown or showing signs of pessimism, Evelyn sees the bright side of life and bright side of death. A new life seems to have enbued Evelyn with a near unbeatable joy that causes the lively ghost a cheerful personality to anyone she should meet. And with a second chance at life, Evelyn’s optimistic personality is ever prevalent. In moments where others see the glass half empty, Evelyn is there to show how the glass is half full, and she happens to have the jug in hand to fill it all up. A past trait of hers that seems to become quite embedded in her is being quite a caring woman. Whether it was from her expectation of becoming a mother or just how much older she is to some of the living, but Evelyn seems to take on a mother’s role regardless of the age of whom she is speaking to. Making sure you are happy, that you are well or that you just know you have someone there for you are some of her core values when talking with others.And with all the positives, of course the ghost has her share of negatives. A new found trait of her that came from her rebirth is a new mischevious nature. While not trying to cause harm, she does seem to enjoy spooking others through appearing before them, or surprising them from behind. A relic of the past and amplified into her present is her fawning personality; going seeming above and beyond to show her affection towards you. While normally fine, Evelyn can become a bit too affectionate towards people, perhaps making the situation uncomfortable or plain awkward to be around. And while not as strong as the others, Evelyn does have a nasty case of jealousy on her hands. Sure she lived her own life and has a chance at life once more, but inside she has a hard time shaking off jealous tendencies when she witnesses others enjoying things that she could not. From seeing couples happy, to parents with children, to even successful work environments, Evelyn’s jealousy can occasionally break the ever cheerful smile with a scowl.

History : (Trigger warning - depression/death/miscarriage)

Before Death: The life of Evelyn began as many normal lives do. The-then Fennekin was born to a smaller family in Kalos, Evelyn was the only child the couple had. Most of her childhood has become fuzzy to her, but as she can somewhat recall, the young girl was pretty normal in the eyes of those around her. She played with her dolls, enjoyed some tea times with her mother, and helped in the garden with her father and mother during the spring and summer. Her life wasn’t completely surrounded by the garden, but the family did enjoy fresh food during those seasons, as nothing felt more satisfying than to eat something you worked so hard to grow.

As the young Evelyn grew older, her focus on classwork didn’t seem to stick as well as her sibling. She wasn’t dumb, but the idea of sitting and reading or studying for hours on end seemed to bore the girl. This ended up meaning she’d either hum songs in her mind, or doodle in her school books. Her humming went into singing, causing teachers to scold her as that was not proper to do in class. The girl continued every now and then, being punished with timeouts and harsher scoldings from teachers, slowly working that bad habit out of her as she grew older. As Evelyn grew into a young teenager, her control over her singing shifted into joining a few different clubs, including the school choir. There she seemed to excel at, joining some of the more highly skilled choirs of the school and region, finding delight in her time there.While she enjoyed her singing, her past enjoyment of the family’s garden helped to shape her education. She focused on plant studies, looking at ways to properly grow fruits and vegetables to help yield more and better quality crops. She wasn’t a super student, as her attention wasn’t quite as clear as her fellow students, but it was enough to learn much of the basics and produce the results she wanted. Her grades reflected such as she balanced her education and choir singing to help her get through schooling. Being freed from school, she found work soon at a nearby farm, putting her schooling to the test. In her early goings, she was able to keep up with the workload, helping to produce more crops though the quality was not quite as high as she had hoped. Over the next few years, Evelyn resumed to help the farm grow their produce, getting better at producing more crops and even getting the quality of the crop to improve more. Her life seemed to be going in the right direction, as soon it took a new step.During her work, she met a man who seemed to hit off well with her. The two often got into conversations daily, soon finding themselves going out on dates. They seemed to be meant for one another. Something about the way the man made her feel made Evelyn feel a sense of warm bliss. Becoming a couple soon after their 3rd date, the two kept their relationship going strong for a few years, where Evelyn found herself being proposed to. She accepted the ring, and became ecstatic over the prospect of married life. And with marriage soon came the idea of starting a family. While not an immediate thought, the thought soon became closer to reality.A year or two after marriage, the couple received the news that Evelyn was pregnant. The two were elated and began to prepare their home for the pitter patter of baby feet. Though as soon as the couple’s joy began, life seemed to throw them a harsh curve. One day Evelyn was not feeling well and went into the hospital for a look. At the moment she was ruled as fine, and went back home. Upon a routine check on the child, the couple discovered that she lost the kid, leaving the young duo shattered. The two found their lives in shambles for some time, as the two had no idea what happened to lose the child. Mornings felt less joyful, marital struggles soon arose that had previously never happened, and in the span of 6 months, Evelyn learned that her husband would be divorcing her. Left in the dark, Evelyn slipped into a deep depression. She hated to go outside should she not need to, often found herself faking a smile to save face, and yet deep down all she wanted to do was cry. With no family around after the passing of her parents, Evelyn rarely sought out others for assitance. The days piled on and on, as weeks turned to months. One night, while home alone, Evelyn sat in a sorrowful state. A pain soon arose in her chest, as if her heart began to break. And yet… she also began to feel burning through her arms. Soon it felt as if her energy was sucked right out of her, as the pain amplified… and at last, the woman was still.

After Death: Jolting ‘awake’, Evelyn found herself in her home in the dead of night. Rising from her bed, a sudden weakness came over her as she tried to catch herself. As she was able to find balance, a glow seemed to appear before her as she noticed objects to her sides. Shaking her head to the side to see what was there, it appeared to be hair. Giving it a tug, she felt the tug on her head and suddenly flopped down on the bed. Panicking for a moment, she found energy enough to bolt to the bathroom to see what was going on. There standing in her mirror, rather than the then Delphox woman appeared to be a Gourgeist woman, bearing near identical looks to her. Wondering what was going on, she tried to recall what happened before she woke up. And yet… she could not recall most of that information with clarity. Other than basic information about herself, such as her name, her age, what she was… but her family name, her friends, her … she was married right? Confused, she tried to resume her life as it had been, though some of those she had once become so close to could barely recognize her as the same person. This did make the early goings of work a bit harder than she had hoped, as people often either put her off to the side on tasks she was able to do, or ended up treating her like a new recruit unintentionally. As she continued her farming, she found herself getting better at growing crops on the farm. Whether it was the extra set of ‘arms’ she had gained or the new grass typing helping to grow skillset, she was able to produce more and more crops at a higher quality. She had even learned a few moves to help her continue her work when situations proved unfavorable; from rainy days gone by a Sunny Day, to night time harvests aided by Will-o-wisp. Evelyn kept her work up, soon earning enough for herself to try and properly get on her own two feet. When time came for her to use her savings to find a place to live, she found the archipelagos of Raccolto through searches. Examining the maps and comments about the area, she found the area to be somewhat alluring. A multitude of islands with fertile soil meant she could continue to farm as she had been. And all of them have such lovely names. Soon, Evelyn met to fill out paperwork on her new home, and began her travel out to Raccolto, ready to begin life once more, anew.

Ability: Pick Up - Having an extra pair of hands helps out plenty when there’s so much on the ground. Can subconsciously pick up items of the ground, though heavier objects will cause her to lose balance or come to an abrupt stop.


:iconfiretype-plz: Will-o-wisp - Summoning small flaming wisps from her hand, Evelyn can light up a dark room or look imposing. Careful, they do burn..

:iconpsychictype-plz: Psychic- A remnant of the past, Evelyn focuses on an object or small group of items and uses telekinetic powers to move them about. If focus is broken for too long, the items will drop out of control.

:iconfiretype-plz: Sunny Day - Summoning the sun, Evelyn uses this as a means to help raise up her crops and produce. Plus a little sun never killed anyone.

:iconghosttype-plz: Phantom Force - Embracing the shadows, Evelyn summons a portal before stepping into it, seeming to disappear for a few seconds before appearing elsewhere. Distance is not far, and cannot be used when exhausted.

Job: Farmer
Farm Name: Soulstice Farm

Dog Race: Greavard
Dog’s name: Crisper
Dog's gender: Male


Songstress - From past hobbies and pokemon biology, Evelyn is quite a songstress, singing beautiful and haunting at the same time. While she is able to hide the more haunting tone of her singing, she does tend to sing more melancholy songs or operas while alone.

Tea Connoisseur - While not a needed skill, Evelyn developed quite a taste for tea and the many flavors they possess. From leaves to fruits to brew time, Evelyn has fine-tuned her palette and can properly identify them.

Astrology - Not needing to sleep means she spends a lot of time staring up at the stars above. This has helped her grow an interest in them and do her research. While she is not an expert, she can point out constellations and their meanings to the ‘mortals’ of the planet.

Fun Facts:

Ghost Facts:

Spectral Hair Facts: