DU DP: Phantom and Clockwork by PearlLotus on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

It now looks *way* better in Full View. So, y'know, you might wanna try it. Or something like that. Yeah.

I promise, this'll be the last time I spam your inboxes with Danny Phantom sketches - all futher DP fanstuffs shall be planned and carefully drawn. I'll be moving on to Doctor Who spam tomorrow. XD

Like I said, I needed a Daily Update, and DP art is easy and doesn't require huge amounts of detail. I wanted to doodle Dark Danny/Dan/Phantom, and I did. I also figured out that I can't do that, because I can *never* draw characters I like. It's like a freakin' disease. So then I drew Clockwork, who I *used to* be able to draw, to make up for it. You can see how that turned out.

On a semi-related note, hot damn Eric Roberts. Do more voice acting so I won't have to hunt down the Doctor Who movie for you.

[EDIT] Coloring this counts as my Daily Update. Got it? Good. Anyway, these two were well recieved, so I decided I've give them a quick coloring job. Except I left Phantom's hair as scruffy-looking as ever it was, because it looked wierd otherwise. Speaking of Phantom, no, that's not really his skin tone. I tried to match his skin tone exactly using a screenshot, but that's pretty much impossible - in some screenshots he looks too blue, in others he looks too green, in still others he's lit from some strange direction so his coloring's all wonky...

Dear Butch Hartman, Stop using wierd unmatchable colors for people's skin. Signed, PL.

And Clockwork's eyes are un-highlighted and surrounded by black because that's how they are in the show. Check it if ya don't believe me.

Yes, shading's done all wrong. I said it was a quick coloring job. Be happy I shaded at all.


Colors from TUE screenshots on Wikipedia.
Danny Phantom, Clockwork, and Dark Danny/Dan/Phantom/whatever the hell his name is (c) Butch Hartman