Angel Beel by PesterJelly on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

PesterJelly on DeviantArt

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Published: Mar 28, 2023


The angel beel has a long slender transparent body, through which you can see its intestines and other organs inside. The angel beel lives in the deep southern ocean of Agrona where no light reaches the bottom. This is where the angel beel would catch drifting organic matter in its sticky filaments along with other small organisms. Bioluminescent microbes live inside the filaments of the beel and attract small prey. When the prey makes contact with the angel beel, a mucus lining the filaments that contain fast-acting toxic will be absorbed through the skin and kill the unfortunate creature. After which the creature will be enveloped by the tentacles and digested outside of the angel beels body. The prey fluids are absorbed through the filaments and transported to the intestines. Their mouth no longer serves a purpose in feeding and remains small and vestigial. The heart of the angel beel does more than simply transport blood but also aids in pumping fluids to the intestine. With this lifestyle the angel beel does not need to actively swim and will drift in the ocean currents, using its filaments like a sail and its tail to keep them orientated.

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3381x3013px 2 MB