SU: Crystal Gem team 2 by phantomshoujo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Emerald: He is the leader of his team,
he never know what his purpose was but
when he meet steven he,steven and the crystal gems
get along very quickly.

Cymophane (new design): He was know for his great
mind and quick skills, Cymo always know how to fight
but not with Obsidian, he also is obsessed with Cat related

Clear Quartz: Born from the Kindergarten when Obsidian and steven
were searching for something, he was one of the family of Quartz but
is blind due to its gem being clear, he can be a bit bipolar sometimes
(not really).

Obsidian: Calm and Righteous, Her friendship with Emerald
is Platonic but always follow his orders and know when to
strike when theres an enemy or threat.

Top- Emerald's Room
Left- Cymophane's Room
Right- ???
Far Left- Clear Quartz's Room
Far Right- Obsidian's Room
Emerald (c) :iconskarchomp:
Cymophane (c) :iconfabyhoshigaki-sama:
CQ (c) :iconphantomshoujo:
Obsidian (c) :iconfrancesdaughter12: