Fulfilling Game by phyrexianrevoker on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

******* Story contains suggestive themes *******

With the recent advancements in virtual reality and new discoveries in neuroscience, a new breed of games began to tinker with immersive experiences in every genre from horror, to shooter, adventure, rpgs and all the others. It was only a matter of time before independent developers decided to also explore the realm of fetishes.




New Game…


Loading Tutorial…


— Hello Player!


Everything around me was white…

If it weren't for the ground pressing against my feet, I’d think I was floating.

As I looked down to my new pixelated body, I found my once human shape had been replaced by a small cat girl with light orange fur, wearing tight jeans and what seemed like a rubber shirt. When my soft paws began to explore that unusual form, I eventually reached for two long ears, which moved away by reflex when touched.

— Cool — I said, with a high pitched cartoon voice.

— You can move your ears by…

Instead of telling me a button to press, the software simply sent a signal to my brain, causing both ears to twitch performing every possible move. It was almost like a part of me gained a consciousness of its own for a short duration.

Once the “ear demo” stopped, I regained control of them, now with the knowledge on how to operate it. I moved them slowly, then quickly, realizing how easy it was.

— To move your tail, you must…

Again the software hijacked part of my body and started a demo mode with the long appendage attached to my butt. Even if my ears were long and pointy, I was used to having ears as a human. However, the feeling of a moving tail was completely new and felt like having a much longer spine that went beyond the usual boundaries of my body.

Needless to stay, I spent long five minutes playing with my tail while the software patiently waited until I was done.

— Walk to the blue circle.

Five meters in front of me, a blue light appeared on the white floor.

Since walking in the game was the same as real life, I easily managed the task.

— Now, jump into the platform.

A green square materialized one meter from the ground, floating without any support.

I bent my feline knees, then pushed upwards, jumping twice the height I was used to as a human. That second task was easy, but served to show me the power of my jumping.

The platform vanished and I fell down, still maintaining perfect balance.

— Now, try to jump into the platform again.

Another green square materialized, but this one was almost three times farther from the ground! Given what I had just discovered about my new body, that seemed like an impossible feat, which meant I was about to learn a new game mechanic.

Two steps to my left, a red pipe came out of the ground, tipped at the end like a submarine periscope. There was a sign written “gas” on it.

— He he… That’s why I came here…

— In this platform game, gas is your resource and must be used to solve the puzzles. Now connect the tip of your tail to the end of the pipe.

— No need to ask — I obeyed the voice eagerly, with a stupid grin on my face and almost sure of what was about to happen.

As the tip of the tail connected, something clicked around it, locking my appendage in place so I couldn't move… As if I wanted to...

— Red pumps work as checkpoints. Upon using them, your body will be filled with gas to the maximum capacity and progress will be saved. Using them during a puzzle will reset the progress. To inflate without resetting the puzzle, use the blue pump stations or swallow any balloons you see on the level to regain a bit of gas.


The tip of my tail quickly stretched out into a basketball shape, which slowly moved along its length towards my body as if the tail was an elastic hose. I followed the ball of air with my eyes, eager to discover how it would feel when it finally reached my…

The game played a sound effect of a bicycle pump being used once. A pressure suddenly formed in my belly, stretching out my furry skin until it acquired the same shape of the basketball that had come from my tail. I yelped, then cupped my hands around that perfectly spherical tummy and released a soft moan.

— Gas is your resource, and it can be spent to perform certain actions. In order to know how much gas you have, remember how each pressure level feels. Your current amount is 10%.

Another ball came along the length of my tail and then into my body with yet another bicycle pump sound effect. My belly grew even more and the rubbery shirt moved up a bit, revealing my belly button. Another soft moan escaped me.

— This is 20%.

Another ball of air, another pump sound, more stretching.

— 30%

The shirt moved up and my pants moved down, revealing more fur as the clothes weren’t able to contain all that inflated mass…

— 40%

At that point, I looked like someone ready to give birth…

— 50%

Another involuntary moan, this time louder…

— 60%

My body felt lighter, almost as if gravity was going away. The virtual clothes pressed against me, the fabric trying to fight back the expansion…

— 70%

I appeared as if I had swallowed a yoga ball! My ridiculously big round form wiggled and creaked like a balloon. I couldn’t believe I still had more to go!

— 80%

My skin stretched out even more, until I could no longer reach my belly button or see anything below me. The creaking sounds were so loud I thought I’d explode. My mouth was wide open and if that wasn’t a game, I'd be drooling.

— 90%

That hollowness inside me, pushing the boundaries of my body with an ever increasing pressure was much more than I had ever dreamed with. My feet were barely touching the floor. I was almost weightless. My legs were spread apart by the pressure and my arms were pushed away by the belly. I was a huge balloon with tiny arms and legs sticking out.

— 100%

I couldn't hold it anymore…

My body shivered and my mind was taken over by bliss…

I was so full of air that it was almost impossible to move, which only made me even more euphoric. I gasped and moaned as consecutive spasms of pleasure waved inside my gaseous interior.


— On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your enjoyment of the…

— T-ten! TEN!

— Thank you for your answer...

Once I managed to recover myself, I hoped that those virtual feelings hadn’t trespassed into my real body, because otherwise I’d have some cleaning to do in my bed once I left the game...

With another click, my tail disconnected from the pipe.

— Walk to the blue circle.

The once easy task became a lot harder with a fully bloated body. My legs were spaced apart and difficult to bend, my feet were touching the ground just enough not to float and simply keeping my balance was a challenge. What took me two seconds of walking before, now required ten seconds of wobbling around with my body squeaking with each footstep.

— The more gas you have, the slower you move. Keep that in mind when speed is required, like when there are enemies around or during timed puzzles.

Once I reached the circle, I wasn't sure if it disappeared or if I just couldn’t see it because of my giant inflated belly.

— Now, jump at the platform.

The same colored square appeared again, still at an unreachable height.

I jumped once, twice, thrice but I couldn’t go past the one meter and a half from before. All that gas inside me didn’t increase nor decrease my range.

I jumped a fourth time and...

— In order to double jump, release air by…

Another signal was sent to my brain right when I was at the peak of the jump. My abdomen contracted and a loud balloon fart escaped my butt with a quick jet, propelling me upwards and into the platform, doubling my reach.

I blushed and held my belly, shocked that a computer made me fart against my will.

— Double jump consumes 10% of your gas.

I groped my belly and indeed it was a bit smaller. The pressure also seemed to decrease and my clothes weren't as tight as before.

— Reach the other platform.

Another floating square appeared at the same height from the ground as I was, but was farther away in horizontal distance.

I bent my knees, took a deep breath, then jumped.

When I began to fall down, I contracted my abdomen and farted, accelerating upwards with a single burst of air. Thankfully I was on single player, because there was no way I’d be comfortable doing any of that around others. When I reached the other platform, my feet were finally able to touch the ground properly as I wasn’t “floating” as much as before.

— You are now at 80% pressure. Make another jump.

The software continued to spawn more squares in different places, one for each jump, which served to get me used to that double jump feature.

70%... 60%... 50%...

That was fun!

Embarrassing, but fun.

When I got to 20% gas, three colorful balloons spawned around me, each of them floating up and down, yet keeping the same average height, just like any item in a game.

— Red pumps fill you completely, but restart the puzzle. Blue pumps fill you completely without resetting. Balloons give you 10% gas each. You can consume them by swallowing.

I stared at the soccer ball sized balloons, sure that it was much much bigger than my mouth. Common logic told me there was no way to swallow it, but since I was in a game, I shrugged and collected one of them. When my lips touched the innocuous thing, it exploded in my face and all the air forced its way down my throat and into my belly!

I gasped and almost fell from the platform, shaking in surprise after that uncanny experience.

— 30% Consume the remaining ones.

— Oh boy…

I grabbed the second one and brought it to my mouth, this time prepared…

— To make things fun, we’ve added many different animations for the balloons.

Instead of blowing up, this time the balloon was quickly sucked into me still intact! My cheeks puffed out first, then my body involuntarily swallowed it whole, forming a huge bump in my throat as the rubbery thing slided down into my ever growing belly.

— 40% Consume the last one

Despide my reactions… I loved every second of it!

The trilling fullness kept me excited the whole time... The constant pressure… The tight clothes… Even my thighs were so big that my pants were forced down enough to show part of the butt.

I quickly snatched the last one, curious to what would happen this time. When I touched the balloon, it escaped my hands and started to deflate, flying around me like a crazy missile. My attempts to retrieve it were useless as the thing was too fast, however I didn’t have to try as the homing balloon eventually came straight at me, aiming directly at a certain hole very close to my tail…

— AAh!

I jumped and tried to cover my ass, however that belly was so big my arms couldn’t reach down. The balloon took one long agonizing second to invade my squirming body, pushed deep into me by an unknown force.

I was brought down to my knees, blushing violently and resting my head atop of the huge soft comfortable inflated torso. My breathing was fast and out of rhythm.

— 50%

“B-b-best g-game e-e-ever…”

I stood up and continued to double jump from one platform to the other, getting used to the mechanics while the game spawned more balloons whenever I was too empty to proceed. The platforms were always spawned a bit farther away than the last, which meant at some point I would inevitably fail...

Fifteen jumps later, I didn’t make it, quickly falling down to the ground that was now much farther below. I initially panicked, as real life instincts kicked in, overwhelming my senses the closer to the ground I was… Then...

Boing!... Prffsssssssss!

I bounced off the floor painlessly and released an involuntary fart, somehow surviving a deadly fall in the most laughable way.

— Your body takes fall damage in the form of gas loss. If you have enough pressure, you’ll deflate the same percentage that it would take you to reach that height, otherwise you’ll splat against the floor… like this…

— NO NO!

In the blink of an eye, I was teleported to the ceiling of the room, falling once again, but this time from a much greater height and with my belly almost empty. I kept trying to remind me it was just a game, but it was impossible to drive away the real panic…

I closed my eyes and braced for impact…


My body went from solid to fluid, spreading in a large puddle resembling a drop of ink. I couldn’t feel my arms or legs, to be honest, I felt as if I was just an amorphous slime. Thankfully it didn’t hurt me one bit, instead I just felt a tickling all over me.

I opened my eyes and realized that, just like a cartoon character, I still had a pair of eyes floating atop of that slimy mess.

Everything went blue for one second…

Then I was back at the pump station, the checkpoint.

— Please, select your preference: When spawning at the checkpoint, would you like to be already full or go through the inflation again?

“I was loving that game”...




Hours later, I finally woke up in my bed.

At first it was weird to not have a tail anymore…

Those bouncy boobs would also be missed…

I looked down to my flat male chest and sighed, wishing I could bring that cute feminine form with me to the real world.

It was quite late, so my stomach guided me downstairs to the kitchen, where I started to make a sandwich. Most of the ingredients were in the refrigerator, but that day I felt like having a bit of spice, so I looked at a flask of paprika at the top of a high shelf, out of reach.

However, instead of using a stall to elevate me…

I jumped…

Then, in the middle of the jump, I farted…