An alternate Argentina by PickTwoNames1997 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This infobox is based off my map "[Alternate History] Provinces of Argentina". Due to Samuel J. Tilden winning the 1876 election as well as the Paraguayan capital falling to a joint Argentine and Brazilian (rather than just Brazil in our timeline), Argentina annexes most what remains of Paraguay that was not annexed by Brazil or Bolivia.

In our timeline, Argentina had a GDP on par with the United States at the beginning of the 20th century, and was the richest country in South America. In this alternate history scenario, the country manages to an extent to maintain this level of socioeconomic development, partially due to President Hipólito Yrigoyen implementing economic reforms similar to Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. Another contributing factor is that Argentina in this timeline is also more politically stable than its OTL counterpart, as Yrigoyen is not overthrown in a coup d'etat in 1930, nor do the 1943, 1955, 1962, and 1966 coups occur; the country (for the most part) instead undergoes relatively competent, democratically elected leadership in the following years, largely managing to avoid the political instability that plagued other Latin American nations. While Juan Perón does become president in this timeline, his protectionist policies are reversed by the subsequent (democratically elected) administration, allowing the Argentine economy to recover, although as in our timeline, he returns to power in 1973 and is succeeded by his wife Isabel after his death. In addition, the 1976 Argentine coup d'état does occur in this timeline, with the resulting military junta winning the Falklands War and therefore retaining control of the Falkland Islands (renamed Islas Malvinas) as well as South Georgia (renamed Isla San Pedro), while the British keep the South Sandwich Islands. Despite the victory over Britain in the Falklands War, the economic collapse during this time still results in the Argentine military junta being dissolved at roughly the same time it was in our timeline.


in this timeline is an advanced economy, and leads Latin America in GDP, HDI, and life expectancy. As a result, it has traditionally been considered the only developed country in Latin America, and is usually categorized as part of the Global North alongside Canada, the US, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and the Four Asian Tigers. However, as in our timeline, Chile and Uruguay are expected to become developed countries soon.