SONIC MOVIE! by piink-rose on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

piink-rose on DeviantArt

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piink-rose's avatar

Published: Nov 12, 2019


I was honeslty not inspired by the first trailer to draw anything for the Sonic movie BUT BUT BUT
now that we finally got the NEW one with Sonic's redesign, I felt so inspired to draw!
Sonic is such a charming little guy fufufu
thank you to the team who worked so hard to deliver us a new trailer!
they really do care about us fans and we should be so thankful!!
I can't wait to see this movie~!
enjoy my doodles![:giggle:](

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1200x1200px 868.77 KB

Artistguy2391's avatar

We should all thank Tyson Heese for the redesign