Cosmic Sailor Chibi Moon by Pink-Lady03 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

No sketch here, this one is 100% digital manipulation/traced for the sake of looking as official as possible as well as achieving a specific look I had in mind as well as for making it easier to edit/play with the features.

So, an interesting theory came up in a Sailor Moon Facebook group that popped up in my feed a while back stating that perhaps Sailor Cosmos wasn't just a far-future version of Usagi/Serenity. They pointed out that there is absolutely NO indication of the moon in her design ANYWHERE, but instead 8-pointed stars; a point for each of the Senshi. Also noted was that the colors of the stripes on her skirt also match each of the Senshi and, while the post didn't mention it, I've noticed that she also happens to have four rings on each hand (again, one for each Senshi). So, based on this the theory was that while dying (most likely at the hands of Chaos) Sailor Moon either took in the last of their power to make them part of her and thus live on or that they passed their power/spirits on to her to ensure that she would live on.

Perhaps other people have already thought if this, but it certainly made sense to me as to why her appearance is so different from the Sailor Moon we know and this revelation inspired me to design a Chibi Moon version.

Truth be told, I originally DID want to play with the design a bit more. In addition to the 4-pointed stars, four rings (two on each hand) and four stripes on her skirt representing each of the Asteroid Senshi I was going to give her the puffy sleeve design from their uniforms and change the heels to boots that would also match their design and gloves because, honestly? It always kinda bugged me how "naked" she looked with no gloves and such small, simple shoes, but when I thought about it, the designs between Super Sailor Moon and Chibi Moon were virtually identical so I thought that it would be more appropriate to keep things the same.
I had also considered playing with the shape of her odango since Cosmos' obviously differ a bit from Usagi's, but doing something like a star-shape just seemed kinda of ridiculous (not that there haven't been some pretty extreme bun designs out there.... *looks at Cure La Mer*) so I kept the "rabbit ear" shape and just expanded the traditional feathers on her "shields" to give them a wing-like impression without going nuts.
As for her staff, my idea there was that it's an upgraded version of her mom's original Moon Stick. :shrug:

Pretty Soldier/Guardian Sailor Moon and all of its character, including ChibiUsa/Sailor Chibi Moon, are (c) Naoko Takeuchi, Tokyo Pop, Toei Animation and any other respective owners I may not know/have listed or be aware of. I do not own the character in any way, shape or form, I am just a fan!