Selling OC: 15 Points by PixiePixelz on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Update: This OC is now for sale. You are welcome to use the info below and keep her as a ship OC of my OCs, turn her into a NG OC, or make her just a regular OC. Once she's yours, go wild! Be creative! 15 points for her.

Remember how I said that Dark Knights and Coco Apple have a daughter and a son? Well, here's their little girl!

Note: * indicates a relative that is related by marriage.

Name: Princess Cosmic Dawn

Nickname(s): Cosmia, Dawn


Coco Apple (Mother)

Dark Knights (Father)

TBD (Brother)

Bonfire (Uncle)

Prince Silver Sword (Uncle*/Cousin)

Strawberry Sunset (Aunt)

Applejack (Grandmother)

Caramel (Grandfather)

Princess Twilight Sparkle (Grandmother)

Flash Sentry (Grandfather)

Princess Cadence (Great Aunt)

Shining Armor (Great Uncle)

Apple Bloom (Great Aunt)

Pipsqueak (Great Uncle*)

Fluttershy (Great Aunt*)

Big Mac (Great Uncle)

Harmony Apple (Cousin)

Lil' Buck (Cousin)

Bucky Buttercream (Cousin)

TBD SilverFire (Cousin)

TBD SilverFire (Cousin)

Princess Gaia (Second Cousin)

Bio: Although her father chose to abandon the throne, when Cosmia showed interest in taking on royal responsibilities, Twilight welcomed her into the castle with open hooves. She is the official royal astronomer of her generation, as her talent lies in mapping the stars. She loves spending time with her Grandma Twilight, who teaches her about her craft when she isn't able to meet with Princess Luna.

To Be Continued

MLP Belongs To Hasbro

Base Belongs To MPLbasemaker33

Original Art Belongs To Faith-Wolff and Silent-Galaxies

Cosmic Dawn Belongs To PixiePixelz