Lost world by Plainoasis on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Plainoasis on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/plainoasis/art/Lost-world-739093651Plainoasis

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Plainoasis's avatar

Published: Apr 6, 2018


Just a generic landscape practice with two MLP characters in it to make it a piece of fanart... please forgive me for this

My version of the story: Two unlikely allies must find a way to navigate the unknown and discover the origin of the Alicorns *cringes*

Heavily referenced: :iconhuussii:'s fav.me/dacz0o0

Image size

2000x1000px 2.84 MB

Nightmarionette123's avatar

"Welcome to the world of Terraria newcomers!"

The landscape actually does remind me of Terraria.