Wyll Ravengard by point-maitimo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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point-maitimo on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/point-maitimo/art/Wyll-Ravengard-987718011point-maitimo

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point-maitimo's avatar

Published: Oct 12, 2023


Little Red Arrow - Right If you are interested in a COMMISSION please send me an email to point.maitimo@gmail.com

Image size

1885x3000px 4.87 MB

Meduwyn's avatar

This is the absolute best fanart of Wyll's I have seen so far! :love:He looks dashing and you have really nailed his character. Nice touch to add in Mizora's hands as a symbol of her manipulation and possessiveness, but I like even more how little hold they actually seem to have on him, as he gives a very proud and completely uncorrupted impression. Such a gem - both him and your lovely work 👏

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