Sewer by PReilly on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

PReilly on DeviantArt

Deviation Actions

PReilly's avatar

Published: Dec 30, 2006


This actually came along as an accident. I was creating some brushes for PS and was testing them out on a blank canvas. After a while I noticed that the test strokes started looking like an alley or narrow passage.
So I decided to polish up the scribbles.


Image size

398x648px 100.56 KB

Sagittarius-A-star's avatar

Damn, I keep clicking the "more like this" zone because I keep seeing more awesome paintings. I feel a little like Red Riding Hood with the flowers leading her off the path, except this IS the path!! :D Nice painting, it is kinda neat this was spontaneous. That guy looks like he is lost... BUT, how do I know he isn't a cannibalistic mutant who lives in the sewer and worships that weird thing hanging from the ceiling?