star by PremadonnaGirl on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

* Name: Lucius, or rather Luci
* Age: Has been 25 for a very very long time...
* Birthday: Winter

* Height: 5 foot 8.5 inches

* Species: Stella Fenestra
* Gender: Gender Fluid, mostly he/him pronouns used through
* Romantic/Sexual Orientation: He's ultra gay, i mean look at him

* Personality: | Outgoing | Bubbly | Stubborn | Childish | Coy | Carefree |
* Talent: Matter manipulation. [very limited]

* Likes:
- Night time.
- Sweets.
- Floral scents.
- Animals.
- Dancing.
- Music.

* Dislikes: - Violence.
- Getting his hair messed up or dirty.
- Red meat.
- Places being too quiet.
- Clothing.

* Other: - Because of how he came to be, his hand-to-hand combat skills lack in every single area, and thus make him rather weak and unable to defend himself most of the time.
- Only people close to him know how he became a Stella Fenestra. It's an uncomfortable and hurtful memory, which is why he won't tell just anyone.
- Even though he is a super bubbly people-person, he usually finds himself alone in solitude.
- He knows he's attractive and most of the time uses the fact to his advantage in certain situations.
- His fur is rather cold to the touch and he hates the fact.

species info
species by Mima-Adopts