.: -Giftart - Hamilton - :. by PrideAlchemist7 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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PrideAlchemist7 on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/pridealchemist7/art/Giftart-Hamilton-771638148PrideAlchemist7

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PrideAlchemist7's avatar

Published: Nov 7, 2018


Heyo guys, this is for :iconfurrydolphin: of their Haze Variant Hamilton - www.deviantart.com/furrydolphi… ! hope you all enjoy and really hope you love this Dolphin! :aww::hug:

*drawn with Crayola colored pencils and a Sharpie fineliner~*
**Bagbeans belong to :icongriffsnuff:~**

Image size

1359x1878px 857.86 KB

Bcfosterheart's avatar

Wow this is sooo splendid scary face are creepy