Stamp: I'll explain what I mean in the desc by PrincessSkyler on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

PrincessSkyler's avatar

Published: Feb 9, 2017


Template - :iconnummypixels:

One of my BIGGEST pet peeves in the world:

Have you ever like, wrote down a journal or put something in the description of your art of a situation going on, where it's like RIGHT THERE in clear view

And then there's this one person who goes: "What happened?" expecting you to literally retype everything you said when the description of everything going on is RIGHT there? There's NOTHING that pisses me off more than two things:
Bad anime anatomy
And people who expect you to say everything all over again when it's already typed down in front of their faces.

**Maybe if ya'll would read the journal/description, you'd know exactly what's going on. Stop being lazy and expecting people to waste their time retyping everything because you're too lazy to take time out of your day to ACTUALLY read the journal good god.**This stamp is f2u! No need to ask!

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99x59px 4.13 KB