Stamp: Read Description before anything by PrincessSkyler on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

EDIT: Disabling comments, yall getting way too out of control.

Before I begin:

1. I'm not talking about persona's or self inserts or anything like that, I'm talking about real people, like Selena Gomez for example.
2. I am NOT saying I hate the people who do this, I hate WHEN people do this, but I don't hate THE person doing it. So before you try to start an argument in the comments, I don't care if you are someone who does this, I don't agree with you, but I'm not gonna yell at you, or hate you for it. 3. REFRAIN from making immature comments please. This is MY personal opinion on what I think of these kinds of things. I'm not attacking, or targeting ANYONE here, I'm sharing my personal feelings of how I feel about this kind of stuff.

Now, as said before, I'm not talking about self inserts, or personas. I'm talking about LIVING, BREATHING, REAL LIFE people.
This is what I really dislike about the hypnosis fandom. People will take photos of REAL PEOPLE, like Selena Gomez, and manipulate them to the people being hypnotized for their fetish.
Like...I'm sorry, but I just can't stand seeing that stuff. I can understand if it's a fictional character, but they're NOT a fictional character, they're real people. And I'm sure if they did see those pictures, they'd feel upset. If you got their permission, then fine, but if you didn't get their permission to do so, don't do it please.

This stamp is free to use! You don't need to ask me~!