Jack by Purrlstar on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is Jack.

He is my first real 'character' I've ever created with that intention.

I named him after my dog <3

He is also my first Neopet.

So his design is heavy Neopet based, being a yellow Gelert.

He has two versions of his story, the first was what I originally created him for, which was still when I didn't know how to make up a story for myself and I used base stories.


For his 'Neopet' version of himself, he raised himself in the Lost Desert as a street rat (like Aladdin, my favorite childhood movie) and received the scar on the side of his face by trying to steal some food from the evil T-Rex Neopet running the food shop.
Lucky for him the shop just across the street sold first aid supplies and the like (I didn't make that up, it was literally like that on the map in the game) so the Cybunny who worked there saw the disaster and took him in to try and take care of him as best she could.

They had weird remedies though, and she had to use the things that were left over in the shop since using up their best items to sell would put them out of business.

In a result, the wound healed up rather oddly and caused blindness in the eye with the scar.

Soon after that he was wandering around the city trying to figure out a way to cope with his new found half-blindness and trying not to starve, when he saw a little Anubis (which is a Petpet from the website) that little creature was stealing food from the same T-rex that had given him the nasty wound a week or so before, and the pet ran right past him with a successful catch.

Jack followed the little creature and they soon became friends, and a tag-team at getting food, he called him Sammy, which was the name of my grandparent's dog.


But, his NOT Neopets based story, is much more interesting! And one of the best early stories I've created.

It started out close to when I first met *Pandaskeeper we had little in common in the beginning and needed something to do while ~Frightling was gone at dance or doing something else and couldn't be there to play with us.

So we decided to grab some of our Neopets and role play a little game.


Panda had a Gelert named Apologizi (shortened to Apolo) A cyborg-Tonu buy the name of S2 and a lot of other dogs. I honestly don't remember much of that storyline in the beginning, but Apolo was part of some secret gang that was killing off strays and other animals that didn't belong in the city, when she found Jack wandering in from out of town.

Well, sort of.

Jack actually ran into Krim first, who was running around with S2 and they both became really good friends right off the bat, or, more like Krim had a motherly instinct to take care of Jack and S2 wanted to be his best friend.

It was an odd story at first, but soon blossomed into one of the most interesting stories of my early internet-hood

Apolo saw Jack and he almost immediately fell in love with her, and she lured him away with orders to kill him since he was not only an outsider, but a weakling.

Except, she fell in love with him too and that night instead of killing him, they... well......

did....... things.

Anyway, after that she started hanging around him and they were being all lovey dovey and sweet to each other, Krim thought it was the cutest thing ever and couldn't wait for puppies. (though it was just a joke, and nobody knew if she was actually going to have any or not)

But that's when things... Got a little messy.

Tiagii was the leader of the so-called secret gang that was killing off other dogs.

One night he lured Jack into the forest just outside of the city and ambushed him, trying to finish the job that Apolo was too weak to do.

S2 came out of no-where and saved his life, just barely, but they were being chased by his entire gang to make sure that they wouldn't escape.

S2 contacted Krim while they were running and she called for some other dogs, Split and Spoke to come help Jack, and now Apolo too, escape.

They hid inside of an old building that was practically falling in on top of itself.

But, the building was actually a secret fortress for the gang, and Split was working for them and lead the dogs right into their trap, a pure white Xweetok (who was never granted a name) appeared and captured Jack and Spoke, telling split and Apolo good job (because he didn't know Apolo had the pink slip yet) and took them into another room, strapped them both to lab tables and began preforming strange tests on the two dogs, injecting strange substances to their body and see how they reacted.

The goal of the tests was to create perfect obedient soldiers that would follow the orders of Tiagii perfectly, except... it had side effects in Jack.

Instead of mind-controlling him, it created a second soul.

Jack now had two souls inside of his body fighting for control.

Desl, is what we dubbed the second soul. It was the first four letters of the Spanish word for blind.

(its pronounced like Diesel)
We named him that, because Desl could see out of Jack's blind eye, but not the one that could actually see.

In the beginning, Desl would have been a good dog. He followed orders and did everything the gang wanted him to do, his job was to infiltrate the dogs Jack had already become friends with, and lure them back to the hideout so they could make more slaves.

Except, Desl didn't know anything. He was literally born a few days ago, and he didn't know what anything was or how anything worked.

He was shunned by Jacks' old friends, and told to get out of the city as fast as possible.

S2 even hunted him down and tried to kill the poor kid because he was sure that Jack had been killed and they cloned him somehow and this was the result.

All Desl really wanted was a friend, but because he was so shunned in society because everyone wouldn't stop calling him 'Jack' he decided he was going to make 'Jack' pay for everything that happened to him.

And so began the constant struggle between Jack and Desl.

Jack trying to regain his own body and old life back

and Desl trying to make his life as miserable as possible.


:bulletyellow: Name: Jack

:bulletyellow: Alias: Desl

:bulletyellow: Gender: Male

:bulletyellow: Sprecies: long eared dog (and/or Gelert from Neopets)

:bulletyellow: Eye color: Light Pale Blue

:bulletyellow: Fur color: Yellow-Cream

:bulletyellow: Scar information: A large dark brown splotch around his right eye, the ends come to points and it rounds around the side of his face as well.

:bulletyellow: Accessories: Golden rings on his tail and ears, four on each ear and seven or eight on his tail. A leather strap also holds two white and blue feathers that hang around his neck.

:bulletyellow: Special: He is blind in his right eye, but its not actually very visible, In fact the only difference is that the eye color itself is more pale, and there's a slight fog over the pupil.

Random facts:

-He was named after my pet dog

-His Neopet name is “Jack1212121211112”

-This role-play for his back story was, I'd like to say, my first official role play, where I'd had some previous experience to not completely suck, but new enough that I had never really done it before and the ideas I contributed to the story were still fresh and new because I had never used anything like them before.

-Some of the ideas in this story, shaped and defined other stories of mine greatly, if it wasn't for this role play and my friendship with *Pandaskeeper I would never have made it this far as an artist, or as a storyteller.

-'Otherside' is a comic created after the story I have posted in this description, it takes place as the aftermath once Jack is gone and Apolo has to take care of their pups.

-Jack also has a human form that is featured in the story 'Bloodgems'

:bulletyellow: other form:

← click to read information about Desl.

Other appearances:

(I think I have only posted like one picture of him in my gallery,so after the first they're all by panda the link would be to a youtube video I've made with him)
