Lost Property (TG RC) by qirules123 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

First attempt at a caption format. Any feedback is greatly appreciated.

(text below)

Mark squeezed himself down the narrow aisle of the bus, taking care not to smack other commuters in the face with his overstuffed backpack as he made his way to his usual seat in the back row. Upon taking his seat next to the window he placed his backpack in the seat next to him to prevent unwanted talkative neighbors and popped in his earpods. Like most days his commute was pretty uneventful as he gazed out the window watching the city pass by, the bus occasionally stopping to allow others to get on or off, mostly going unnoticed by Mark. One fellow commuter did briefly catch his attention, a rather cute girl in grey sweatpants and matching hoodie, hair hidden beneath her black hijab. Her beautiful brown eyes met his for just a brief moment as she took a seat in the row in front of him. 'Must be one of the new exchanges,' Mark thought to himself, recounting hearing something about a new exchange program his college had set with an Indonesian university, before zoning out once more. A few stops later the cute girl in front stood up to disembark, taking a second to meet Mark's gaze and flashing a small friendly smile. Mark couldn't help but smile back as he watched her walk away, making a note to try talking to her if he saw her on the bus again.

As the bus pulled away from the stop, Mark's eye began to wander back toward the window, yet as they did so he noticed a small bundle of peach fabric resting on the seat in which the cute girl had just been sat. Peering around no one else seemed to have noticed, so Mark let over and scooped the bundle. The material was soft and silky to touch, perhaps a high-end cotton blend of some kind, yet two long thin objects could be felt within. Unraveling the bundle Mark was surprised to find two rather sharp-looking pins. Putting two and two together he assumed it to be a spare hijab the cute girl must have forgotten when getting off the bus. A small smile passed over Mark's face as he realized he now had an excuse to strike up a conversation if he had the good fortune to see her again. As he began to daydream about how such a conversation might go Mark found himself gently running his fingers against the smooth fabric, the sensations somehow subconsciously familiar to him. In fact, he was so deep in thought he notice the subtle easing with which his hands passed over the fabric as with each stroke rough calluses and chapped skin were healed and repaired becoming softer and smoother much like the fabric he held. Bitten and chewed nails became trimmed and well maintained. Thick meaty sausage fingers grew longer and more slender. Small hairs on the back of his knuckles dissipated into nothingness. The overall size of his digits shrinking to something daintier and more feminine. Kyle continued to think about the cute girl he had seen unable to forget her deep beautiful brown eyes. He stopped toying with the fabric for just a brief second to brush a stray hair out of his eyes. It not even registering with him that his short blonde crew cut shouldn't even be longer off to do. In fact, every second that seems to pass his hair seems to lengthen just that slight bit more the brilliant golden blonde darling and darkening to a rich chocolate brown. The more he thought of the girl the more chocolate locks spilled from his scalp. The tickle hair upon the back of his neck seemed to trigger an automatic response from him. Without even a moment's hesitation, he bundled up his hair gathering it expertly within the peach head scarf his hands seemed to dance elegantly as he pinned the hijab perfectly in place.

Only the girl's cute smile was on Mark's mind. The subtle make-up she had been wearing not going unnoticed by the grinning young man, Who felt a growing sense of admiration for this mystery girl. His harsh features slowly but noticeably smoothing out into something small smooth and feminine. His large bulbous nose shrinking into a cute little button. His chiseled angular jaw smoothed into a much more appealing oval shape. His thin chapped lips became fuller thicker and kissable. His piercing blue eyes were replaced by those beautiful brown eyes who's stare he could not forget. Mark shifted slightly in his seat as his lower body began to succumb to whatever magic had taken hold. His beaten worn-out sneakers seem to fall apart at the seams to reveal petite delicate little feet before repairing themselves into a pair of simple but fashionable short heels. His denim jeans faded from the iconic blue quickly matching his hijab in both fabric and color. The legs seem to fuse before rapidly unstitching themselves as his pants morphed into an elegant long peach skirt. Mark shuffle once again crossing his legs as they too feminized. His skin, soft and silky. His calves, toned and lean. His thighs, thick full and enticing. His boxers were quickly replaced by a modest set of panties in order to accommodate his rapidly swelling behind. His unfortunate manhood was uncomfortably encased within the soft fabric of his new underwear, fortunately, the pressure soon began to ease as it wilted away as a new womanhood began to blossom.

Yet despite all this Mark was still lost in thought of the mystery girl who with each passing moment became more and more familiar to him. The list of differences between them rapidly diminishing. His understanding of her culture, which at first seemed so strange and alien to him, growing deeper and deeper. Their individual values and beliefs becoming closer and closer in nature. Mark could feel his own identity being eroded and replaced with something new. Yet he felt no fear or alarm at these changes in fact he welcomed them. A sense of pride in her Indonesian heritage began to swell with Maida's chest as she began to remember her friends and family back home and how much they wanted her to succeed, the look on her parents faces when she told them she had been accepted to the exchange program. The tearful goodbye at the airport, and the sense of excitement as she first stepped off the plane, each thought only added to the warm glow within her. This warmth seemed to spill out and manifest within the two slowly swelling mounds of flesh upon her chest. Maida eagerly thought of all the opportunities she would have in the coming year. There was so much to do, see and discover in this strange faraway land called America. Sure her studies would not be easy but she would do her damn best to make her parents proud.The bus finally pulled into campus. Maida subtly adjusted the straps of her bra, sighing as she noted the underwire digging in uncomfortably, a shame to is this was one of the her favorites. She hurriedly grabbed the small satchel beside her and dashed off the bus excited to see what a new day would bring. However, in her haste, she failed to notice a small bundle of green fabric sliding from her bag landing neatly upon the seat. Not that it would go unnoticed for long as the bus began to fill up one more.