Penumbra, Antumbra e Umbra by QueenofMewth on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Here's a little bit about the Sideria triplets:

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Penumbra Riqueza Pluta Butterfly - (712 a.M. - 782 a.M. - 70 years of life)

Being the first of the triplets to be born, she grew up during her mother Sideria's reign where she was surrounded by fame, luck, fortune and glory, so what could go wrong? Well, being ambitious like Sideria but in a negative way, may have been the reason why her personality was shaped in a mediocre, proud and tantrous way, so much so that due to one of her tantrums she caused an accident in 716 a.M. as he returned quickly with his sisters Antumbra and Umbra from the Florent kingdom (due to a visit to his uncle Ace) for an urgent event at the Castle Butterfly, then on the way, Penumbra pleaded that he would like to drive the carriage with the coachman, but as they were in a hurry, their two nannies accompanying the triplets did not allow the princess to fly, as she didn’t get what she wanted, she started to throw a tantrum and with impulse she pulled the rope that guided the animals with everything, coachman lost complete control of the vehicle due to speed and with that they ended up falling into a ravine nearby, and in that, all those present were unconscious. They woke up at Butterfly castle when they saw their mother and family crying and then, the Cross doctors reported to the queen that everyone had lost a lot of blood, so much so that the youngest Umbra had practically lost her left leg, desperate Sideria used Soupina's spells in all possible ways to heal the girl's leg, the result was surprising, but it was not 100% and the girl acquired a deformity in the leg for the rest of her life, the others were already quite apparently. From that day on, Sideria banned travel with more than one royal member and only with extreme needs could there be more than one traveler, expanded the kingdom and carriage security system, began to be more cautious with his children and also began to study more the healing spells of their ancestors.

Despite being physically well, Penumbra acquired irreversible psychological damage for being responsible for the accident, the girl started with mild and fears that increased more and more until they became disturbances and instead of telling and asking her mother for help, she never made it up.

In 720 a.M. she ended up meeting Cascata (the same age) and her brother Indian Waterson (two years older) with whom she fell in love.

The years passed and the girl was more and more distant and isolated from her family as she grew up, her disturbances and her ambitions worsened mainly in adolescence, but in order not to feel worse, go out to "have fun" in the same way as your mother and his ancestor Venus "had fun" in his youth; although she never wore transparent clothes, her dresses were relatively short.

There were several boys that she left, and whenever she returned from the parties, she noticed that Antumbra was watching her and whenever her sister arrived to talk to Penumbra, the two ended up fighting, so they avoided each other as much as possible.

Because her thirst for wealth and the throne grew ambitious, of course she would like to be the next queen of the Butterfly kingdom, but there was only one problem, Celena; what was not lacking were attempts to prove to her mother that her aptitude to rule was much greater than that of her sister, and sometimes it was common to hear the princess saying that "the timid one would not take the kingdom forward", Sideria no in case he never understood what was going on in the girl's head and she often caught Penumbra talking badly about Celena.

In the beginning 729 a.M. after several relationships with the boys of the nobility, she discovered that she was pregnant during the first day of dating with Niklas Flamel, however he was not the father since they never had intercourse, and so, she discovered that her best friend's brother Arabian Waterson was the father, because it was with him that the girl had had relationships weeks before the start of the relationship with Flamel; afraid of her family finding out, asked Cascata what she thought and emphasized the possibility of "abortion", obviously young Waterson did not support her and said that this was not the right thing to do as it would ensure that Arabian took over the baby, in addition to having threatened to count the Butterfly family if the pregnant woman herself did not; this made the princess furious, and a fight full of arguments was generated until they were interrupted by the guards.

The days were passing by and the baby was growing more and more, she slept through the nights and her attacks got worse, until she ended up having the idea of ​​doing an exchange for a year for Rainbow Islands before her belly started to grow, and the The chosen place was more specifically Orange Island, she quickly told her plan to her best friend and although she was against it, Oceana helped her and did not tell Arabian about him being a father, but what Penumbra did not expect was Antumbra listening to the conversation and again , she lost control of her emotional with her sister. Sideria was very afraid and approved of her daughter's trip, but she found it strange that she didn't want to go directly to the castle on White Island where she would have more opportunities and security, and so the girl left for her trip. Upon her arrival on the island, Penumbra realized that large villages were formed on the islands and that the central island was the location of the castle of the royal family, she was enchanted by this system. While he was visiting the island, he met a noble woman of the same age as his mother named Dirllennia, who was the owner of a great music studio, while talking to Penumbra he decided to study music and instruments just like his grandmother. Gladly the woman offered her house as a home for the princess for as long as necessary, and then the girl started living there. Her classes started well, however, it was difficult for her to hide her fears and cries from the noble woman; no longer taking the pressure of the situation, she told everything that had happened in her life and the real reason for the trip, Dirllennia who was moved, understood and promised to help her in whatever was necessary as long as she had the child.

During the time she was there, she developed a taste for music and received several letters from her family, boyfriend and friends, including the Cascata letters that were always about pregnancy were ignored by the princess.

Time passed and the baby ended up being born, he was a boy named Kosmus, Penumbra immediately turned away from him and then asked Dirllennia to be with the child, indignant the lady asked why she did not stay with her son, she said it was too much young and who would like to enjoy life because she still had a lot to do, the girl added to help financially in raising the boy and thus, the agreement between them was established.

In the beginning of 730 a.M. she returned to her homeland after a year away from home. As soon as she arrived in the kingdom and was immediately stopped by Cascata, who was asking about the pregnancy, she stressed she lied saying that she had lost the baby on the trip, although she was convinced, her friend did not believe her; Penumbra went back to her normal activities, like going out for fun, but this time with her and her boyfriend. She also discovered that Umbra was dating Luke, and in that, she did her best to seduce him until she succeeded. 2 weeks later, her sister ended the relationship, but what she did not expect is that Loveberry would arrive at her boyfriend and tell everything that happened, at the same moment the family learned about everything and the young Flamel broke up with her. Everyone was outraged by her attitude, especially Sideria, and so again she left the family.

At the end of that year, Niklas spoke to her again and this time he went straight to the point and asked her to marry him; the girl accepted, not because she loved him, but because she would like to try to recover her image for the family.

In 731 a.M. Penumbra was still being threatened and watched over by Cascata due to her past pregnancy, and in this her psychological condition suffered even more damage, but the worst happened when her sister Antumbra announced the family about her courtship with Arabian Waterson the father of her son, horrified, immediately went to get satisfaction from Waterson who was not understanding anything about that situation, and so, a fight between them happened until they were interrupted by his sister.

732 a.M. the fortunate queen's last year of reign was a time of great scandal, as it was difficult to hide from everyone about her son, and one day she was on the balcony of her room thinking about it, until Cascata came in and asked her telling her that he knew about the child's birth on Orange Island and that she would tell the royal family; desperate, the princess was disagreed, but she was unable to hide the truth, and after all the blackmails Penumbra attacked her friend with a slap, the guards, listening to the noise of the fight, went to see what was happening, and when they got to the room, they saw the girl about to throw Waterson from the balcony, they immediately stopped and soon the whole truth about Kosmus came to Butterfly house. Her husband immediately filed for divorce and Sideria had no choice but to judge her own daughter and on the advice of family and mewnisters, the queen sentenced the girl to a recovery center for 3 years. After his departure, the child arrived in the kingdom.

During her recovery, doctors discovered that she was pregnant and in 733 a.M. his second child was born; a girl like the father of the Flamel house, had yellow flowers inverted on her cheeks, in addition to remembering her "ancestor" Estrella the Drafted, in which she received the same name; the girl went to live with her aunt until her mother came out of recovery because the father refused to raise her, but helped the child financially.

Her departure from recovery was in 735 a.M., Penumbra had recovered her psychological strength, and to her surprise she already had nephews, her sister was queen and many things had changed. She then discovered that her son had been brought to the Butterfly kingdom and that he and Estrella were in Antumbra's care; Penumbra when trying to get his children back, he was surprised by his sister when he refused to return them, but everything was resolved with Sideria's meddling.

She was learning to become a mother in time, and soon when her children grew up, Estrella at 14 decided to study arts in Elfendor because of her "ancestor", while Kosmus, married in 757 a.M. with cousin Pantalassa, daughter of Cascata Waterson and 6 years younger than him; three years later he met his twin grandchildren Siberian and Oceana Waterson.

A while later, Penumbra witnessed the birth of his great-nephews sons of Queen Diana and the marriage of his daughter Estrella to the son of the royal musician Azul Saint, where in 768 a.M. met Acord Saint, his grandson.

When her sister Celena died, sadness took her deeply as she did not ask for forgiveness in time after everything that happened, and soon her mother Sideria also died.

Penumbra spent the rest of his life at home when he died in 782 a.M. at the age of 70 due to cardiac arrest, but before that, he was able to rest in peace with the forgiveness of his son Kosmus by telling everything about what had happened.

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Antumbra Prospera Tique Butterfly - (712 a.M. - 785 a.M. - 73 years of life)

The second triplet and third daughter to be born, Antumbra grew up cheerful, energetic and happy, when the carriage accident occurred in 717 a.M., she was the one who most emerged unscathed from this situation, as she suffered no psychological or physical damage unlike her sisters. The princess was the most supportive of all in the house, as she was always helping her mother to take care of her brothers and helping people who needed support.

At the age of 8, she entered dance and gymnastics classes, and this helped her physically and emotionally and of course the development of her passion for dance. She witnessed the birth of her younger sister Crepuscula, and soon became the "second mother of the sister", always being in the room taking care of the baby; at the same time at one of the several balls in the Butterfly family, the princess met and fell in love with Arabian Waterson, brother of her sister's best friend, however, she never talked to him personally because that same night she heard Antumbra commenting to Cascata that she was enjoying it of young Waterson.

Time was passing by and Antumbra was never able to understand why the older triplet was so distant from her and her family, and as a teenager, it was common for her to see Penumbra arriving late at night from hidden parties or having crying spells while talking to herself and broke several objects in the room, when he tried to help, they always quarreled. With Umbra, on the other hand, they considered each other's best friends, always helping each other in what they needed, as well as comforting their sister for feeling useless due to her leg.

In 729 a.M., she overheard Cascata commenting to her sister about an interchange trip to Rainbow Island and a few days later, she saw her sister leave for the trip. Three months later, Penumbra was invited by Arabian to her 18th birthday party, during a time when she was with the birthday girl in a certain room in the house, accidentally confessed that she liked the boy, and so they kissed; after that, many meetings took place between them until the end of the same year, where they started dating secretly waiting for the right moment to reveal their family; At the beginning of 730 a.M. his sister arrived from travel.

Soon, Umbra broke up with Luke on account of Penumbra, and sad for her sister supported her, but saw no fault in the older.

Months after the beginning of the year she and Indian revealed about the relationship, everyone was happy for the couple with the exception of Antumbra.

The courtship was going well until 731 a.M. where she took the older triplet in a strange discussion with Arabian, and when asking about it they ignored her; the relationship was never the same.

In 732 a.M. her thoughts for her sister completely changed due to the attempted murder against Cascata, she was very sad at the conclusion of the trial that Antumbra suffered, but she was very angry. she also found out about the existence of her nephew and that her boyfriend was the father. of their own, and then broke up. The child arrived a few days later in the kingdom and was in the care of Sideria, surprisingly, Penumbra took care of the baby; in the same year she witnessed Celena's double wedding with Elm and Umbra and Luke.

The following year, Penumbra was responsible for renewing the relationship of her youngest triplet with Loveberry, and thus, the first double wedding in Butterfly history took place between Celena and Elm and between Umbra and Luke;

Penumbra clung too much to his nephew Kosmus, so much so that she was being like a mother to stop him, despite the fears, Sideria let her take care of the boy.

733 a.M. it was the year she decided to "adopt" her sister Penumbra's second daughter, as the mother had given birth to the baby during her recovery and father Niklas refused paternity.

In 734 a.M. she witnessed the birth of her nephews Diana and Tileford and the following year the recovery sister arrived. Soon, Antumbra tried to get the children back, but Penumbra did not allow it, she only returned her nephews to her mother at Sideria's insistence.

After all that she went through, she focused her efforts on dancing.

She spent the rest of her life living in Butterfly Castle, where she had the opportunity to meet her great-nephews and witness the sad death of her sister Celena, her mother Sideria and Penumbra where she was received with an apology by Kosmus.
She died in 785 a.M. during sleep.

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Umbra Eterna Eniata Butterfly - (712 a.M. - 788 a.M. - 76 years old)

Being the youngest triplet, she grew up pampered and supported by her parents, her sister Penumbra on the other hand, was very jealous of her.

The accident of 717 a.M. it was the worst thing that happened to Umbra since from then on everything was never the same. According to doctors, she had completely lost her left leg, but with help and luck from Sideria her leg returned to movement, but not in the same way it was before, so as not to take the risk, she was forbidden to run or do any thing to force the legs. Her mother and sister Celena began to study other potions and healing spells, in addition to the girl starting to wear only long dresses from this date.

Umbra didn't have many friends, so much so that her best friend was her sister Antumbra, but due to the accident she had to have at least one escort and bodyguard to help her when she needed it, so her youngest friends were Gina (12 years older old), Mike (11 years older) and their younger brother Luke who was the same age as the princess (he only visits the castle from time to time), all children of Lord Raike Loveberry.

She was very close to her brothers during her growth, especially Antumbra who was always helping Sideria with Crepuscula and Celena who was always studying potions, but she also never understood why the older triplet had left the family. One day when trying to talk to his sister about the subject, Penumbra rushed in, and started cursing and humiliating Umbra, it only got worse when Antumbra got into the fight, but they were stopped by Sideria.

In the spring of 729 a.M. Luke declared his feelings for her and so their relationship began.

In 730 a.M. when the older triplet came back from a trip, Umbra realized how strange she was, especially after her and knowing about her courtship with Luke, we don't know what happened, we only know that her sister stopped looking at her face instead . A few weeks passed before her boyfriend told the truth of what happened between him and Penumbra, the upset girl broke up, but a new scandal broke out when she learned that Loveberry went to tell Flamel everything and soon her sister also broke up.

A year had passed and the princess was still shaken in the comfort of Antumbra, until the sister who, on a certain day, arranged a meeting between the two of them to understand each other, at the beginning a great discussion happened, but after some time they got along and reconciliation happened little by little. In the same year, she and Luke Loveberry ended up getting engaged.

Months before her marriage to Luke and also to Celena and Elm in 732 a.M. the family ended up discovering the truth about Penumbra, everyone was shocked, Umbra was sorry and soon needed to support Antumbra regarding the break up; the weddings took place and it was certainly the happiest day of her life.

In the year 734 a.M. she gave birth to her only son Tileford and also met her niece Diana.

In the coming years she met her other nephews and saw Penumbra come out of her recovery.

She also had the opportunity to see the wedding of Tileford and her niece Diana and the birth of their grandchildren.

Her husband Luke died in 779 a.M. due to food poisoning.

She died in 788 a.M. during the winter of that year.

Bullet; Red Bullet; Red

Well, here's a little bit about each of the triplets .... uff what a job! If you see anything wrong let me know! XDD

Some information:

Bullet; Blue The personality of each triplet was inspired by a Mexican soap opera called "Tres veces ana".

Bullet; Blue The middle names of the triplets (Riqueza, Eterna and Prospera) are a pun on a phrase that she always used to say "may WEALTH be ETERNAL and PROSPER".

Bullet; Blue Pluta, Tique and Eniata are names referring to the Greek and Roman gods of wealth and fortune respectively.

Bullet; Blue Sideria may have had a fortunate reign, but the conflicts that arose within his family are considered "unlucky".

Bullet; Blue Yes, Penumbra's daughter, Estrella, is a reference to the queen of the canon; obviously because Luna forged the Book of Spells and some records, everyone thought Estrella really existed.

Bullet; Blue Azul Saint Estrella's husband was the composer of the music of the day of the Princess of Sky.

Bullet; Blue Cascata is a great-grandmother, Pantalassa is a great-grandmother and Siberian is the grandfather of Lady Marine Waterson.

Bullet; Blue Dirllennia had the look of the Canon's Dirhhennia.

Bullet; Blue The children of Penumbra are bastards within the sets adulterous affiliation (in cases of affiliation born out of adultery cases) and natural affiliation (in cases of affiliation born to single parents), because when Kosmus was born Penumbra was in a relationship with Niklas however son was from Indian; Estrella was born when Niklas and Penumbra had already divorced.

Bullet; Blue From the generation of Sideria and her brothers, the Mewnians began to believe that Queen Venus was reincarnating in future generations to take Mewni back to the Dark Age because of "having fun" like her from such a young age (Sideria and Penumbra were an example, are there more?)now if he will like it, I'm hoping so!

Bullet; Blue The triplets accident was one of the reasons why Celena started studying potions !
Bullet; Blue Penumbra was the youngest to become pregnant and lose her virginity compared to her brothers, 17 years old.

I was about to post about the triplets when Jgss109 updated the family tree, I like him to like what I prepared, and I hope you like it too! Thaanks!

The characters…