Year of the Pig by QueenoftheStampede on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Taken from wikipedia:
Pig (Wild boar in Japan and Elephant in Northern Thailand) (Yin, 4th Trine, Fixed Element Water): Honest, gallant, sturdy, sociable, peace-loving, patient, loyal, hard-working, trusting, sincere, calm, understanding, thoughtful, scrupulous, passionate, intelligent. Can be naïve, over-reliant, self-indulgent, gullible, fatalistic, materialistic.
8 February 1959 - 27 January 1960: Earth Pig
27 January 1971 - 14 February 1972: Metal Pig
13 February 1983 - 1 February 1984: Water Pig
31 January 1995 - 18 February 1996: Wood Pig
18 February 2007 - 6 February 2008: Fire Pig

To use:
:bulletpink:You must first become a subscriber.
:bulletpurple:Then just copy the thumb and paste it in your journal

Other Zodiac Animal Stamps
:bulletpink:The Rat
:bulletpink:The Ox
:bulletpink:The Tiger
:bulletpink:The Rabbit
:bulletpink:The Dragon
:bulletpink:The Snake
:bulletpink: The Horse
:bulletpink:The Ram
:bulletpink:The Monkey
:bulletpink:The Rooster
:bulletpink:The Dog
:bulletpink:The Pig