APH - Britannia -oc- by R-ninja on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I'm kind of tired, so I'll just write up what I can remember. This'll probably be added to later:

Britannia - mother of the British isles.

She was once the mysterious land known as Albion. Even though she was involved in trade, few really knew anything about her, with some people even claiming she was just a myth. Being Celtic, she is the younger sister of Gaul. And like Gaul, she too had to put up with unwanted attention from Rome.

Very much a love/hate situation, she and the empire had both moments of diplomatic bliss and violent conflict. At one point, pushed too far by the insult suffered by the tribal queen Boudicca, Britannia almost sent Rome packing altogether (the uprising she provoked was so fierce, it actually lead to Emperor Nero considering complete imperial withdrawal from the province). Although Rome's persistence won out in the end, this didn't mean she wouldn't smack him around the back of the head from time to time when he wasn't looking.

As Rome weakened, she kept getting attacked by Germanic tribes and the like. In the end, she would be killed by Saxon...

... Or can I say she didn't die, but rests in Avalon alongside the legendary King Arthur? Or maybe she is Avalon B|a HMM.

Just toying with ideas.

Character wise, she's sly with a sharp tongue, unafraid of speaking her mind. She's also very open, especially where sex is involved, seeing as Britons were noted by Roman writers for being pretty damn out and in the open over their sex lives. What did a British lady say to a Roman noblewoman upon being criticised for this?

"We consort openly with the best men, whereas you let yourselves be debauched in secret by the vilest".

I've been constantly debating who England's father could be. In the end, I find myself leaning towards Rome. Yes, overall English language and culture is mostly Germanic due to the Anglo-Saxon situation, but the fact Rome founded most of this country's most important cities (including the capital, London) and initial infrastructure, I can't help but like the idea. That, and the traditional Britannia personification is pretty damn Latin looking with her Roman outfit. Ireland was born from her relationship with Hibernia (though if Hidekaz hadn't said Ireland was England's older brother, I would have said Hibernia was Britannia's sister with Ireland as England's cousin), and Scotland from her relationship with Caledonia/Pictavia. The original name which Britannia was adapted from was used to refer to all of the British isles, hence the link between the brothers. England of course is "the traitor" - the one who allowed himself to be raised by the Angles and Saxons.

Apparently as a small child, me and my mother would play Boudicca, i.e: she would charge around with me in my pushchair with us yelling "death to the Romans!". Good times.

Edit - the nose was bugging me :'|