Waterblood by Rackiera on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

I've finally had some time to do some personal art again, so I drew one of my favorite tidbits of lore from Istaria in a sort of screenshot-esque style. I've been having fun with this style... thinking of doing my artfight attacks in it.

The lore in question:
Waterblood - Highly offensive and derogatory term for Helians. Originated during a debate between General Lunus and Scholar Helian. General Lunus remarked that Helian was soft on bipeds because "it's water in your veins, not fire!" Helian's famous response was, "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!" Both later apologized to each other for the hostile exchange and General Lunus instructed his followers not to use the term, but the damage was done. Helian's words are commemorated by her followers in the use of water instead of lava in Helian structures.