Basalt Halls Collab: Band on the Run Part 2 by Rae-Nine on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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The zwelious had more trouble climbing the rubble than Rozz due to the lack of hands. Eventually they came upon a Delibird with a scar over its left eye scuffling with a barbaroch. The end of the bird's wing balled up into a fist and began to form frost, causing it to smile. It then growled, "Cum 'ere yer wee langer" before grabbing it by the throat and bashing it with an ice punch.

Violet suddenly popped up close by, "Nick, that's enough!"
The barbaroch managed to tilt its head and spit a mud bomb, covering nicks face completely before slinking away. "Lord Wussy will hear about this!" It cried.
Lennon shouted as they ran up, "Hey, what's going on 'ere?"Rozz leaned over to Violet, "I'm assuming he's the Delibird you're looking for?"Violet didn't answer she was busy staring down the Delibird. He growled, "Dat worm wus mutterin to imself aboutn usein' sum kind av earth power to get rid of the camp. Oi caught 'imself in de act."Violet gave him a silent nod, then turned to the others, _"Everyone this is Nick, my partner from the hunters guild."_Nick opened his tail bag and pulled out a towel, and began wiping off the mud, "Vi, yer shud let de others back at camp nu aboyt dis." Vi teleported away, leaving them alone.Nick then nodded, "Nice ter meet yer."Lennon and McCartney sat down on their hind legs, and stretched out both of their front legs, gesturing a handshake. “Well then since thats out of the way, were Lennon and McCartney.” Each nodding in turn, "We're from the Explorer's guild, pleasure to meet you!"Nick returned the gesture, spreading his wing to reach its paws. But then suddenly a suspicious look appeared, "Don' Oi know you from somewhere?"Lennon tilted his head to one side and "eyed" Nick quizzically, "I don't recall hearin' yer voice anywhere."Nick cracked his neck, “there was some dragon thing resembling you at the snowflake festival knocking me about durning one of the games." the delibird's grip began to tighten.The zweilous put their heads together, furrowing their brows in thought. "...Well, now that you mention it, I think there was a delibird at the apple bobbing thingamabob. Was that you, by any chance?" McCartney replied.Nick's grip tightened even more, a sly grin forming on his face "Yup." He then let out two blasts of his ice beam, freezing bits of their hair.He then casually let go and gave a bow to Rozz, "Pleasure miss." He then walked away back to the camp, "You guys coming or not?"


The team arrived, finding the camp had become eerily quiet. The workers had all stopped, and were gathered just outside the main tent - they were all trying to listen to the argument Luke, the Foreman and the others were having after getting the news of the attack.Luke shouted to everyone amongst the hushed bickering to the point all could hear, "We all knew that there were going to be risks going into this! If we all just turn from the smallest hint of danger we'll never be able to get Andalusst rebuilt!"Out of the crowd they spotted Violet, trying her best to listen in. She turned and saw Nick. "They didn't take the news all that well," she said through the crowd. _“Reuben nearly blew a gasket.”_“I see." the Zweilous said in unison.Nick shook his head, “Vi, ya shud be more careful. You'llburn oyt yisser powers again if yer overuse dem.” Violet winked at him for saying that.Rozz however grinned, and began to brush her way past the group huddled around the tent, and walked through the entrance flap. She told everyone, "I guess we'll just have to give them a little chit-chat, then."The inside of the tent was large, with all the important people in camp all standing around a large table with the supposed map of the dungeon. Mr. Hetterich turned with a snarl, "What are you doing in here? Can't you see that this conversation is private!?"Lennon and McCartney burst through the entrance, "Excuse me, sir, but we're part o' Luke's guild 'ere. Methinks we have a right to be involved.""I'm sure our leader knows exactly what he's doing, Mr. Fancypants." The Clefairy added, looking up at Hetterich with a burning green glow in her eyes.Luke held up his hand, getting everyone to be quiet. He then nodded to them, "Thanks guys.” He then turned to address those gathered, “But as I was going to say we have already made decent progress, the way west has been finally opened to us. If we keep this up I'm sure that each of the guilds will be successful!"After that a grizzled looking machamp, who had been standing in the corner, stepped foreward. He did a sarcastic round of applause, "Well that's all fine and dandy, but the boys and I are having enough trouble as it is just keeping up morale." He looked away like he was deep in thought, "Maybe while we clear the way east we should have some folks scout out the area around there, the boys aren't too keen on taking a look. If they find anything of interest, maybe it will help get everyone in the spirit of things?"Rozz rested her forearm on the map, and smiled. She asked the group, "Well, how about sending us in to scout the place?"McCartney stretched his neck high and added, "Yeah, we're explorers. We can go in and handle whatever needs to be done!"The foreman looked away again for a moment, then just shook his head, "It's good you kids are willing, but it wouldn't be right sending you off completely on your own."He turned his head, he saw the obvious shapes of Violet and Nick poking their faces through the tent flap. His eyes lit up as he began to laugh, "Hetterich, ain't those two your bodyguards, as you put it?"
Hetterich quickly flustered, "NO absolutely not! I shall not let myself be left behind while those two go off doing arceus knows what!"Luke let out a roaring laugh, "You two might as well come in, we know you’re there." Team Quarry quickly darted to the side as if on que.The tent flap parted, and Nick marched in with Violet at his side. Nick grinned, "We'd be willin' ter 'elp oyt on dis as well, our guild 'as a stake in dis too." He then gave a grim look at Hetterich, "But If de bossman says we shud stay behind..." Violet nudged him in the side to silence him.Luke walked over and gave them a hard look, almost as if he was examining them. He then smiled at them, "I cannot order you to go, so this will have be your choice."Nick and violet exchanged a brief nod, and Violet marched over to the mienshao until there was a barely an inch between them, "Reuben, this has to be done if we ever expect to make it through here. Why don't you just stay in the camp for now?" Her eyes began to glow, "We'll be right back.""It'd be great if ya did!" Lennon beamed, alongside McCartney and Rozz.
Luke took of his hat and held it over his heart, "That's what I like to hear, You guys should leave as soon as you can."Hetterich looked almost outraged, then he finally gave a defeated growl, "I want you two back within the next day at the latest, AM I CLEAR?"Nick gave the slightest of nods trying to suppress a grin, "as crystal, yer worship." With that the teams left the tent to go gather their things - the path ahead would probably be treacherous.