Proper goodby by Ragmo on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

For Artist Training Ground XIII: Day 30: Draw a pony graduating / Draw a pony making their dreams come true.

As for the last day of this years NATG i'd like to thank the EQD staff for having us again this years :3 nice to see that we've have around as many submissions as last year of old and new faces :) These were some exhausting 30 + 3 days, but its awesome to have that event once every year. Again thank you; and looking forward for next years NATG :)

As for the picture:

Caveman Pony was transported to our modern times back during NATG VI Day 22 draw a pony from or in the future/draw a pony out of time (…). Back in the days Starlight wasn't as precise with Starswirls time-travel spell as she wanted it to be. He was just swooped up from his time and didnt even have time to say goodby :( Now he's with us for almost 7(!) years, WOW. He learned alot in his new home, managed to graduate, re-invented the wheel (last year final day) and found lots of new friends! Now Starlight opened the portal again and Caveman Pony can give his old home a proper goodby, that stone is very important to him! He also could stay in the past, but i think he likes our present days more, especially because of his friends.

Maybbe he'll find that stone in the future someday. Maybe Tom or Boulder, or even Shelly and Sheldon might know something about that rock, if it moved underwater over the aeons.