Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect part 16 by HeroineStories on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


To better understand the story, please read the previous chapters.

I wrote listening Sepultura, I suggested to read with Sepultura songs too : )

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Run Wonder Woman. The brave warrior is being pursued. Creatures appear in the dark screaming, the noise is deafening, there are monstrous figures of infernal creatures, sharp objects are thrown at her, what were once just voices that Diana started to deal with as possible things from her imagination have become more real than never and now they are palpable, now they are real.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

The shapes of the creatures are varied, some huge with horns, others small with sharp teeth, fast and with high-pitched screams, others suddenly appear next to Wonder Woman in the dark and then disappear.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

She is tormented, she is desperate, feeling that at any moment these creatures will be able to get to her, feeling that she could lose her life at any moment. She just runs in panic.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Even a brave warrior like Wonder Woman didn't have the courage to stop to face these creatures, instinctively she just thought about running and trying to get as far away as possible from these things that were chasing her.

She feels like she's in hell, she tries to escape through the corridors of the labyrinth, sometimes she hits walls she can't see, other times she manages to run very fast through long tunnels, as she advances, the air gets hotter and more stuffy. To make matters worse, the more she tries to get away from the creatures, the more others appear in each tunnel, the volume of monsters chasing the heroine only increases.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Diana realizes that she is sinking, that the heat is great,hell begins to open up for her, it's a horrible sight, "Hera!!!" she just screams to her deity, her eyes wide open, she can't believe what she sees, demonic beings are after the heroine, the screams are terrifying, some are huge with horns and sharp weapons, they are crazy and cruel beasts against her, she had never seen anything like it.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman is in panic, she sweats and becomes desperate, alone, running away from something that she doesn't know what it is, but it is something very evil, she feels that evil is thirsty and wants to devour her.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Hera! help me!

Defenseless, half naked, the strong woman who calls herself a warrior runs desperately without being able to reason amidst the great noise of roars of wild creatures, murmurs and words of hatred. Spears are thrown at her. Wonder Woman with her little uniform, exposing her soft, tanned skin against creatures with spears, daggers, swords and other sharp objects, is a very vulnerable target, she has no armor to protect her, she has nothing.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Diana looks like a rabbit trying to get away from her hunters.

Wonder Woman is being hunted.

They want her and they won't give up until they destroy her, and worst of all, she's in their house, she's just lost prey, vulnerable and scared.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

“-They're going to kill me” between one thought and another she hits a wall she couldn't see and they get closer. “Come on Diana!” She screams to herself running as fast as she can like an athlete. “We're going to cut you into pieces” “You're dead. How dare you come in here dressed like that? You're going to pay for this”. She hears these voices being whispered in her ear, they're entering her mind to torment the warrior, to destroy her sanity. “Die Wonder Woman, you naked little bitch, you're not getting out of here alive.” “Brave? It's going to be painful, brave little woman, I'm going to eat your entrails while you're alive”. “You're going to scream, you're going to feel the pain”. “You're going to regret coming here almost naked to challenge us with that uniform”. “It's going to be painful, little bitch”. This is taking over her mind.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Diana desperately tries to maintain her sanity. “Hera, please help me.” She anguished asks her deity for help, because she can no longer bear so much mental torture and the fear of death approaching on her exposed back.

As she flees through the dark corridors, her red boots pass through places she cannot see and she ends up tripping and almost falling many times. With each stumble she struggles to balance herself and thinks: "I can't fall, I can't let them catch me.".

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

She keeps running, but already feeling the fetid and rotten breath of the creatures on her bare back. She smells rot in the corridors, the air is thick and heavy. She avoids looking back for fear of seeing what is behind her. She is afraid to look directly at the horrifying creatures. The situation is desperate, she turns into a corridor, she sees another curve to the left and enters it, hoping and praying to Hera that it is not a dead end corridor, if there is no way out she will be doomed. This corridor seems longer and with a more even floor. She is worried about a wall at the end with no way out, but she can't stop running.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

The creatures have entered the tunnel, they are close to her and come roaring and screaming with the noise echoing through the dark corridor. "Hera! Free me from this hell!" Running scared, fighting for her life, her boots find the void and Wonder Woman falls into a hole.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

She feels the free fall in the dark, the fear of falling, she struggles in the air to position herself better, looking for something she can grab to avoid the fall, but nothing was found.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

It's a horrible feeling to fall into the void, not knowing what might be at the bottom, if there are stakes, if it's a trap, she simply falls with her body loose in the air, completely defenseless, just waiting for the impact.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Like a cat, she uses her skills in the best possible way to better position her body and avoid a fall that could seriously hurt her.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

The heroine falls from a considerable height and hits the ground hard, she suddenly falls unconscious.

The scene is one of desolation. The brave young warrior stretched out on the hard stone floor, unconscious, with her brave and daring uniform,her body lying there vulnerable in a deep, damp well. Poor woman, this one who is called Wonder Woman.

A silence takes over the scene in contrast to the screams of hatred and roars from before the fall.

It is impossible to know what happened to this beautiful woman. If her bones are broken, if she is okay. She remains unconscious for a long time.

Until, with a headache and no memory of what happened, she begins to wake up.

Hera! What am I doing here? She tries to get up and feels a lot of pain in her strong wrists and arms, “Ouch. What happened to my arm? It hurts so much inside my bracelets… Oh, Hera!” Wonder Woman starts to tear up her eyes with the pain she felt when she tries to get up, her swollen forearm feels tight and painful inside her metal bracelets. Oh Hera! What is happening?” Still lying on the floor, unable to get up, she slowly remembers what happened, the chase, the hell she saw. “Oh gods! What is this place?” “What are these creatures? I have to get out of here.” The warrior begins to roll to the side of her uninjured arm to try to get up. When she sits on the floor, she feels her hip is very sore and when she supports herself with her legs, she cannot get up due to a strong pain in her femur bone. “Oh great Hera, help me, I can’t stay here waiting for someone to find me. I have to get up and fight. I’m a warrior. I have to fight.”

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

After a brief pause, “Come on, Diana. Let’s go.” With great effort and pain, she uses all the strength of her thick, muscular legs to get up. Her legs tremble, but she makes an effort and manages to do so.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Diana begins to walk, warming her blood and getting rid of the pain. Her sense of survival blocks the pain and she continues walking.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

From afar, she begins to hear the screams again. The violent hunt is not over. She is still the prey and she is scared. She looks at herself, looks at her uniform, and as if it were a last breath, she says, “I am Wonder Woman, I will not give up, they will not catch me, I will fight to the death.” She pulled up her blue briefs, a movement that gives her strength and courage, exposing her body even more, but as an Amazon, she fights with her body exposed and this gives her courage, a contradiction with other cultures where warriors dress in heavy armor to protect themselves.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Walking faster as the noise gets closer and closer, she begins to feel fear and dread. She looks back to see if they are coming, quickens her pace, enters several corridors, with a lot of fear already mixed with her courage.


Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Looking at her uniform for strength, she continued walking through dark, smelly corridors until, without being able to see, she fell into a huge spider web. The web is dense and huge.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Poor Diana, the creatures' high-pitched screams are getting closer and closer, all the noise of metal and swords hitting the walls is getting louder and closer to her and Wonder Woman is trapped in a spider web! "Hera!” She screams in desperation, trying to free herself, but the web is so strong that it holds and sticks to the warrior's skin, and the more she tries to free herself, the more the web ties her limbs together, "Diana, fight!".

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman is trying her best, she sweats, she fights, but the poor warrior is becoming easy prey for her hunters, "I have to get out, I have to get out." "Hera! It's getting harder and harder."

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Furthermore, it was distressing to be in that web with several spiders walking on the warrior's bare skin. They were hairy and disgusting spiders that crawled on the heroine's soft skin, which was very exposed because she was wearing a small uniform to fight. Some of them bit her, causing pain from the venom, but the warrior bravely endured it.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

She can't even get the spiders off her body because her arms are trapped in the sticky webs and in the little space she has she struggles to free herself.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman had two distressing problems. The first was that the creatures that were hunting her were getting closer and closer, screaming through the corridors, wanting the warrior at any cost. The other was the spiders that kept appearing. What had previously been merely annoying was now becoming desperate due to the large number of small spiders that seemed to want to devour the half-naked woman.

"Hera, these webs seem to have no end, they are huge and when I get rid of some, I fall into others and I am increasingly trapped with these spiders on my body, biting me and each time more and more coming".

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Poor Wonder Woman, alone trapped in several spider webs, fighting like a lioness to free herself, but it gets harder and harder, the more she fights, the more she gets trapped with several disgusting spiders crawling over her tanned skin without being bothered. They crawl all over Wonder Woman's body, if her little clothes weren't so tight they would even be in her most intimate parts.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Another strange fact was that the corridor where the webs were located was a macabre place, with bodies on the floor, claws of never-before-seen beings, zombies walking around lifeless, definitely a macabre scene, yet she continued to fight, stepping with her red leather boots on top of disgusting skulls of never-before-seen beings. All of this surrounded the hard-working and courageous half-naked heroine.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

All tangled up and trapped, with the noise of her hunters already very close, Wonder Woman lets out a warrior's scream and with great force breaks some webs. She realizes that this helped her a little to free her arms and with superhuman strength she starts to tear the sticky webs from her body. She screams and with great force she manages to tear the webs, her strong legs no longer feel pain, she is pure strength and muscular power.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

All her muscles tense and used to the maximum, her face is pure determination. She fights for her life, she has to get out quickly, her hunters are coming. Diana finally manages to free herself from the cursed webs.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

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Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Wearing a short uniform in this case was great for her, as she was able to slide her sweaty body through the webs, which would have been much more difficult if she had worn heavy armor that would have trapped her much more easily in the webs and made it impossible to free herself.

Wonder Woman vs the Evil Sect

Free, the beautiful warrior continues, but she is still a prey, she continues to be hunted and things will not be easy in the next corridors.

To be contiued...

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