Bond of Brotherhood by Raikiri91 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Raikiri91 on DeviantArt

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Raikiri91's avatar

Published: Aug 31, 2014


I dedicate this drawing to the most wonderful girl on this world

:iconsparklingscales: :heart:

Hey guys!

Today I've got my very first FMA drawing for you :happybounce:
This time I worked with a bit more atmospheric shading. It was a lot of fun ^-^
I tried to make Ed and Al look even more badass >:3

Tell me what you think.
Comments are always very appreciated.

(c) Hiromu Arakawa

Image size

2750x3700px 38.84 MB

Yahik0's avatar

sieht super aus weiter so :D
hab FMA auch endlich mal geschaut
einer der besten ANimes den ich je gesehn hab :D