Flower Crowns by Rainspeak on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

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Rainspeak on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/rainspeak/art/Flower-Crowns-602525101Rainspeak

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Rainspeak's avatar

Published: Apr 12, 2016


Request for :iconmoonlightblume: of her OC Moonlight Blossom and her friend :iconxbeautifuldreamerx:'s OC Fare Fiona making clover flower crowns. It was a pleasure drawing such pretty OCs! ^_^

Image size

1708x1200px 531.25 KB

xBeautifulDreamerx's avatar

Awwwwww! This is too, too cute! :heart:
Thank you so much Rainspeak and MoonlightBlume. You are amazing and these two sweeties look absolutely darling together.