Sentinel Corps - Waveforce by RaishaGS on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Vivien 'Vivi' Emerson

Alias: Waveforce

Age: 20

Date of Birth: 2nd November ████

Nationality: American

Residence: Sapphire City, Washington

Occupation: College Student

Powers and Abilities: As a result of exposure to a chemical gas that was unintentionally created during an attack on Talon Corp, Vivien gained her powers three weeks after the incident and became one of several En-Humans (short for Enhanced human) with unique powers.

Kinetic Conversion - Waveforce is able to convert kinetic energy into potential energy which is stored in her body and can be released whenever she needs it. For example, when Waveforce takes a punch, that energy from the strike is converted into potential energy which she can then use to amplify her own in return. The more strikes she takes, the energy is built up which she can then use and is noted to be able to return damage three to five times more than she received. Whenever she stores energy in her body, it is visible on the wave patterns on her suits which glows brighter the more she has built up.

Energy Blasts - Thanks to the special braces on her arms, Waveforce is able to focus and release any stored up energy into a powerful blast of energy from her palms. The intensity of this blast is determined by the amount of energy she has built up, and can't be fired if she has too little of it. Waveforce can also use these blasts to safely land from tall heights

Enhanced Leap - Waveforce is also able to channel her energy into the soles of her feet, allowing her to leap large distances. Much like her energy blasts, the distance she can travel is determined by the amount of energy she has accumulated in her body. This ability has been noted to cause large amounts of damage to the ground around her when used, and as such is used sparingly.

Superhuman Speed - Waveforce can tap into the potential energy she has accumulated and use it to to run at fast speeds. While not as fast as other individuals who sport this power, it is more than capable of allowing her to catch up to any criminals attempting to flee, be it on foot or by vehicles. Much like her other abilities, the duration she can use it depends on how much power she has stored inside of her, and overuse would leave her other abilities lacking. It can be used alongside her enhanced leap to cross great distances.

Close Combat Expert - Because her powers are converted from any kinetic force she receives, Vivien had to learn hand-to-hand combat in order to best take/counter hits in order to charge herself while receiving minimal damage. Waveforce is an expert in this field, and anyone unwary of her powers can expect to receive a blow far stronger than what they can inflict.

Personality: Waveforce is well known amongst her friends and allies for her easy going and peppy personality. She loves a good challenge and usually tackles obstacles that come her way with extreme gusto. That being said, she is also not good at controlling her emotions and they can turn on a dime should someone or something trigger her. This has become a notable weakness of hers as it tends to make Waveforce much more impulsive in battle, something the enemy could exploit. Thankfully She has a cadre of allies who are often there to be her emotional support in such times.

Biography: The daughter of Daniel and Sarah Emerson, Vivien grew up in Sapphire City, Washington and lived a generally normal life as a student of Glensdale University. All that would change when she visited Talon Corporation whilst doing research for a school project. Dubbed the Nebula Incident, Vivien and numerous individuals would be exposed to a gaseous chemical compound that was accidentally released during the fight between the superhero Omega and the supervillain Dr. Nebula.

Vivien’s powers would emerge three weeks later and would prove to be a challenge to control. Her daily activities would cause her to build up a lot of energy in her body which she would have to release by the end of the day or risk causing damage to herself and those around her. Initially burdened by these powers, Vivien held back from revealing this to her parents and friends for fear of the revelation ruining her education. It was only when she was able to use her powers to defeat a bunch of thugs attempting to rob a couple that she realized the untapped potential her powers had. Inspired by the members of the [Sentinel Corps] who were already active in the city, she would go about helping those in need with her powers.

While mostly keeping incognito to the public eye In time she would cross paths with other independent heroes such as Solarra, Satellite, and Artifex. Satellite in particular would take a great interest after their paths crossed while the two were attempting to stop a bank robbery. The two would build a mutual friendship, and with knowledge of Vivien’s powers, Satellite would develop a proper set of gear that would work alongside her powers and keep them in check both in battle, and in her everyday life. With her new gear, Vivien would take on the moniker of Waveforce, and would continue to live her life as both a student and independent superhero.

Additional notes: While Waveforce's incredible power has the potential to be rather destructive if not for her gear which both keeps them in check and allows her to use them to the greatest degree in combat. Almost all the gear she uses was developed by Satellite comprises of the following:

  1. Conduit Braces - As mentioned earlier they allow her to fire energy blasts from her hands. Two coils fold out from the braces and act as focusing amplifiers to channel her built up energy into a ranged attack. Requires sufficient potential energy built up inside of her in order to be effective.

  2. Bodysuit - Made of a durable polymer, her suit is flexible but hardens on impact. This allows Waveforce to take more hits than she normally can, allowing her to build up the energy she needs. The suit is also equipped with a capacitor pack that stores excess energy she creates and can be tapped into when she needs it.

  3. Shoes - As a result of her powers, even the simple act of walking causes energy to build up from the impact of her feet against the ground. The shoes are specially made with Vivien's abilities in mind and dampens the impact caused from walking and/or running, preventing her from building up too much unnecessary energy. In battle they can be switched to amplification mode, which allows her to build up more energy from her movements for her attacks.

  4. Cape - Waveforce's cape is not just for looks. Linked to her suit, it is made of a heat conductive material and serves the purpose of converting excess potential energy built up in her body into thermal energy which is then released from it like a heat sink. It has been noted to reach temperatures of up to 80–85°C (176–185°F) when at max capacity.
