Art or GTFO by Ramen27 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)
Not saying "my" literally... dA is for everyone. But porn does not belong here.
Ok, this isn't another stamp in the "art vs. porn" debate, that's a whole other song and dance. I'm talking about people posting straight-up porn on here. Like animated GIFs of actual porn clips of people getting railed.
This shouldn't even need to be said, but apparently some people still don't get it. Get your porn THE FUCK off dA - it doesn't belong here.
To be specific, I mean stuff like [link] (NSFW) and other blatant porn, even with no mature content filter. They clearly have no respect for the rules, or the fact that this is an age 13 and up art community.
Oh, and inb4 "but stamps aren't art!"
There's no rules against stamps on dA, like there is for pornography. In fact, dA created stamps - it's why there's a whole section devoted to them. So kindly shut the hell up.
Template by `DoItForTheLulz.