Silpelit #80 REF by RavenBlood1011 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW WHAT DICLONIUS ARE! Diclonius are a newly evolved species, arising from and very similar to average Humans, but possessing psychokinetic abilities far beyond any human. For reasons that may be cultural as well as biological, they are often at odds with Humans to the point of threatening to replace them as Earth's dominant sentient species.

Diclonius all heal very quickly and do not scar easily. Diclonius are extremely intelligent, however they are just as emotional as Humans, often more so. Once pushed to the brink, some hear a voice that claims to be the directing voice of their own DNA, urging them to kill as many Humans as possible.

It is said by some in-story that the Diclonii were chosen by God as the new humanity, born with the instinct to destroy the human race and repopulate the world.

Height: 5'2

Weight: 85 lbs.

Hair: Dark, fuchsia-pink(Close to a tint red)

(#80) Light Cerise
(State of Rage/Insanity) Slowly begins to turn red
(Originally) Crimson

Personality: (#80) Kind-hearted, gentle, caring, but not naive.
(Originally, Aaron) Vicious, psychotic, heinous, demonic.

Clothing: If in research facility, wears gray-black, metal-like muzzle and is contained with a device for Diclonius that scientist cannot seem to maintain. Outside the institute, usually wears old clothing(which may find lying around gabages or steals if necessary). Mostly wears sweaters with hoodies to hide his horns.

FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT KNOW WHAT VECTORS ARE! Vectors are the Diclonius' invisible *arms*, likely telekinetic in nature and origin. Vectors can become visible if their vibration frequency is high enough. Also, because of their unstable genetics, their vectors varied widely in length and power. They seem to be able to manipulate or even undo bonds at a molecular level. They are in fact powerful energy weapons that the Diclonii will most likely have. They can destroy or repel all but the densest materials. Needless to say, any living being targeted by these will not last long.

One of their limitations is the condition of the Diclonius's horns. If one or both are shattered, not only are the vectors shut down, but the Diclonius can become comatose or even die.


Vector Range:
(#80) Less than 1m; Barely the fingers appear (maybe a palm or two)
(State of Rage/Insanity) +3m
(Originally) Cannot be determined

(#80) Medium frequency (Can lift objects and throw them, as well as disrupt blood vessels.)
(State of Rage/Insanity) Medium frequency-High frequency (Can slash through wood, flesh, bone and rock. Can carry liquid on surface)
(Originally) Cannot be determined

Speed: Average

Vector Count:
(#80) Zero, maybe close to one
(State of Rage/Insanity) More than six
(Aaron/Originally) Cannot be determined

Vector Specialty: Can impregnate human females, including diclonius women.

Background: Silpelit #80, otherwise known as Aaron, or so the "voice" tells him that. After getting out of a coma with no memories about his past life, #80 spent most of his time in a research facility, being experimented on.

As days of excruciating tests went by, his dark stages began to appear. It began with him talking to "A voice" in his head, which scientist just believed it was merely a phase. Next, he began to throw objects at fast rate, causing the examiners to "suspend" and lock #80 (Giving him the muzzle). Then the day came when his "Other" self was finally revealed to the lab technicians.

Blood splatter and organs in the air was the last thing #80 could hardly remember as he found himself in the outside world among the cold humans. Freak...grotesque...monstrosity...disgusting...those were the words humans would describe him, especially when his horns were revealed to them. Having no mother or father, being teased at by how he looked, that was everyday to him. Homeless. No friends, yet the only being he really talked to, what he would call "a friend"(or so he believes) was that voice that helped him escape in the facility. The voice later reveals to #80 that IT'S name is "Aaron."

#80 tends to like sweet things, such as candy, cake and such. He loves to explore and help the need. He very much dislikes abusers and gun soldiers, which they seem to wanna capture Silpelit #80. But the one thing he despises most is his hair, since it gives him sudden flashbacks of the "incident" when he was escaping out of the facility. The sight of blood causes #80 to loose his sanity, allowing Aaron to posses his "rightful" body.

Aaron is the "voice" that #80 usually tends to have conversations or plans with. Aaron's personality is the complete opposite of the more caring #80. He tends to have a more dark, somewhat of a raspy voice, malicious tone. At times of stress, Aaron is able to take control, allowing him to kill victims around him. He tends to become very bitter when #80 tries to stop him from finishing his task, usually saying sentences like "This body wasn't yours to begin with!" or "If it wasn't for that thing on my head, I would've already cleaned up this horrid town from those disgusting humans!"

The device that's implanted on #80/Aaron's head is a bio-implanted restraints(allowing Diclonius to maintain their sanity). By pressing the device (Like pushing a button) it releases the stress/rage that the Diclonius are in, thus making them docile. There is usually steam coming out of the device when pressed. This device allows #80 to instantly have control of Aaron's body.

Aaron does have sudden visions, believing that it could be flashbacks of his past. But does not reveal it to #80.

Elfen Lied is the most beautiful anime I've ever seen/watched(so far). Such a sad and lovely ending. :iconyuicryplz:

Elfen Lied/Diclonius creation goes to Lynn Okamoto