Beast Wars: Kabutomushi by Ravensaurs-Rex on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Kabutomushi (Nicknames: Kab, Kabu, Mushi, Mu, Mush, Kabuto)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Predacon

Height: 7'5 feet
Length: 1 foot
Mass: 900 lbs
Wingspan: None

Alt Mode(s): Japanese Rhinoceros Beetle
Height: 3 feet
Length: 8 feet
Wingspan: 6


Horn Arm- For the most part this acts as a cannon, firing a single armor piercing shell that has both great range and devastating power. While mostly used against other heavy armored bots, this can make short work of the lesser armored mechs just as well. When in close combat, the horn can be used as a savage mace, beating and stabbing foes while keeping all it's deadly power.

Minigun Legs- Four of his beetle legs shift down to his arm and turn into a four pronged minigun, shooting high power rounds at impressive speeds, able to cut through armor with extreme ease. At close range, these can be used to grab and hold the limbs of other bots so that they don't escape him.

Weight and Strength- Kabuto weighs quite a bit for a transformer of his size and he uses it along with his strength to become a rather strong melee fighter. He is very hard to push around and knock over, though it has been done before. Normally he uses this to haul large crates or other things around, taking most of the grunt work on himself and finishing most of it with ease.


Beetle Drones- In his spare time, this bot creates small beetle robots about half a foot long, they can fly and move over most terrain. The act as explorers and messengers, going places where no sane transformer would dare tread. They have no weapons or defenses other then being quick and small. This is the prime mode of communication that Kabuto uses, so that he doesn't have to talk with another bot.

Advanced Robotics- Surprisingly, he is quite good with machines and is able to create interesting things through his work. Through this skill, he builds his scouts and other little neat robots. While not as good as some of the bots on the base, Kabuto act as support when these brain-bots aren't around at the time. Chances are that in an emergency he can patch whatever it is well enough or outright fix it, if he can't then the patch will hold until some other bot gets around to fixing it.

Appearance: His head sports the small secondary horn that his chosen species has, sitting right on his forehead. The optics look like a cross between an insect's and a normal transformer, though these don't grant him better or worse sight. His mouth looks humanoid for the most part, there are two spike like nubs coming out of the sides of his cheeks, they aren't long enough to interfere with his mouth in any way. In robot mode Kabuto's beetle horn migrated to his right forearm, sitting above the robot hand and acting like a Megatron style cannon. The horn opened up, becoming twice it's original size and becoming a little longer then before. It splits right down the center with the "branches" on either side of the cannon's barrel. On the left arm, four beetle legs sit, one on each side, surrounding the hand. The last two legs move to the shoulders and stick outwards, more to keep them out of the way then anything else. Kabuto's legs are formed out of his insect abdomen, though they show little to no sign of it. His legs themselves are reverse joints, the knee pointing backwards instead of forwards. The feet in his robot form have three toes, though they're very pointed and insect like, two point forwards and out to the side and the last is straight backwards. The tough back and head shell of his beast form become the armor of his chest, back and arms, giving him a rather bulky look. The wings shift down and create the armor that covers his legs. In this form his legs are a dull orange in color, with dark brown trim over the armor. His feet are also the same dark brown, same with much of his chest, back and arms, but there is a dull orange trim around theses. Optics are colored dark green in both modes.

Personality: Kabuto is very out of place for a Predacon, he is calm to the point of stillness and shows no signs of loosing his temper now or ever. In fact he hardly says more then a word or two, keeping everything else to himself and himself alone. This bot almost has endless patience and will keeping plugging away at something until he completes his task at hand, never once complaining or giving up.

He fatefully serves the Predacons, taking every order and following it to the letter, though he is far from a mindless lackey. He has been through many different commands, not one of his commanders ever had a bad thing to say about him, then again there was nothing defining either.

One or two of his more paranoid team mates have accused him of being a Maximal spy, but all such claims come up empty when any sort of investigation is called on. Kabutomushi doesn't seem to mind them, perhaps he might even find them funny in his own way.

In battle he is as ruthless as any Predacon and will not hesitate to take a Maximal offline, or ever execute a fellow Predacon when given the order. He is considered a very skilled and loyal warrior, never speaking he is of course never given a post in which such a thing is needed, so he is limited to brute force most of the time. But once again he just doesn't seem to mind, going along with the way of the world until transferred to his next post.

He simply keeps on going, outlasting many Predacons in this rather violent mash up, his age is a complete mystery, but he seems to have always been somewhere in the ranks, over shadowed by the traitors and patriots.

On a trip to a certain planet, he was given the choice to take an animal form, Kabuto slowly looked through the DNA archives of the ship before he focused on some recorded footage of two beetles fighting it out. When their Japanese name flashed on the screen, he pointed at it before reformatting himself to have the beetle as his beast form. While Kabutomushi is quite a mouth full, his fellow bots have invented a host of nicknames for him, though he doesn't to mind in the least.

Since then he stands as a cornerstone of the team, forgotten most of the time and left at the bottom, but serving fatefully with the best of them.