Helbred by Ravensaurs-Rex on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Name: Helbred (Unit002, Cyborg002)
Species: Mutant Hermit Crab
Alignment: GDF

Height: 32 meters at the head, 55 meters at the shell point
Length: 44 meters
Mass: 64,100 tons, 22,000 tons without shell


Hatchet Claws- The back side of the claws have a hatchet like curve to them, with these the crab can lash out suddenly and bash his foes if they dare get close enough. Held close to his chest, the crab can punch out much like a mantis shrimp, though not quite as fast. With the hatchet like blade on the claws, this can splinter and fracture armor as well as break bones in half.

Chain Cannons- Just above the shoulders sit two large machinegun muzzles, these can move from side to side as well as up and down to keep up with a nimble target. They fire shells that would put any normal human artillery to shame, each of these massive bullets are shot at nearly 20 shells every six seconds. These are great for fast moving targets with light top medium level armor, for the heavier class defenses the chain guns are useless.

Missile Ducts- About half way up the shell are groups of spines that are in truth hidden missile ports. These spines can be configured to fire a number of different missiles, anything from napalm to shots that cover the target monster in acid. These are fairly slow to reload and take a little time before they are ready to fire.

Shocker Spikes- Two long spikes that stick up from the sides of his shell, around the base area, these are connected to ball joints which the crab is able to move like limbs, using small leg like anchors which attaches himself to the shell. These spikes can be stabbed over to the shoulders, out to the sides or even right behind the crab. While they are a fine weapon on their own, the spikes carry a powerful static charge which will lock up an organic monster's body with a sudden blast.

Particle Cannon- Resting on the tippy top of the shell is this large cannon, looking more like a telescope, it fires a sudden blast of energy in a particle beam which is powerful enough to push back monsters as heavy as Helbred himself. This is his single most powerful weapon, it needs a long recharge between blasts and can sometimes overheat, rendering this experimental technology useless.

Air Cannons- Just below the Particle Cannon sit two more mundane looking weapons, something like an anti-air guns one might find on a war ship. These fire single shelled high powered shots which rips through armor with ease as well as bringing down any unlucky fliers to come into their range. Thee guns are on ball joints and can spin around 360 degrees as they home in and fire on Helbred's foes.

Naked Crab- If he has to, the crab can lose the shell and skitter off on his own. What many don't realize is that he has very powerful legs and when all that weight leaves him, the monster moves in a blur. While this does leave him defenseless, this also lets him place his shell in certain places so that he can lure over kaiju towards it in an ambush which can be coadunate with the humans inside of the shell.

Shell Base- At any time the humans inside of the base can take control of the guns and fire, meaning that the crab always has his back covered by some sort of weapon or three. The high tech computers on board can also scan other monsters or perform lab level work to try and understand any sample brought in, this is in turn fed back to GDF HQ.


Shell Dragger- With the shell on, Helbred is very slow and can be hard to maneuver when speed might be an important factor.

Nakedness- Without the shell, the crab has very weak armor, it would only take about two good hits to nearly cripple him.

Wicked Kaiju- Once beaten down to the ground, Helbred will move out of his shell, leaving it behind he quickly skitters behind the mass of metal. Then he clamps his claws onto the sides of the base, lifting it up with all his strength, before dropping the weighted metal down onto the skull and chest of the target.

Personality: Helbred is not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he is a very loyal kaiju and most of the time follows his orders to a fault. He can be distracted by food or other giant monsters, but it doesn't take long before his handlers have him back on track. If left on his own he will try and avoid human cities or towns, preferring to stick to the coasts where he feels most at home. He has a strong bond with the people inside of his shell and will often try to please them, though this leads to the massive crab confusing orders and making a mess out of things. It's only through the intelligence of the crew that he is kept from stumbling through the HQ and utterly destroying the building.

Description: Without his shell, Helbred looks much like a normal hermit crab, standing on four legs sprawled out at the sides and a short armorless body which makes up his back. The only real notable difference here is that his claws are tucked to his chest most of the time, but they can flash out suddenly to strike. The arms and shoulders are a bit more developed then a normal crab, sitting slightly farther back. On the back sides of the claws are large wedge like armor plates that look much like the blades on a hatchet or halberd axe. These face straight out when the claws are tucked to the chest. At the bottom of the claw, opposite side of the axe heads, are the pincers which are not all that large. While these can open a ways, they do not have the raw crushing power of most crabs, but they are very good for holding and lifting objects. Helbred is mostly a dark blue in color, but this turns into an off-white half way down his legs and on the underside of his shell as well as the undersides of his claws. The pars scope like eyes are solid black in color while the long antenna from just above his mandibles are pure white. The shell is something else all together, it is pure metallic silver in color, which is broken up by the jet black cannons dotting the monster. On either side about half way up the shell are the markings "C-002" which stands for the crab's code name, these are is large red letters. The shell itself looks kind of like a giant cone, with a massive opening near the base where the crab can slip inside, it sticks up at a horizontal angle. On either side of the shell, just above the base, come the two large spines, at rest they come out at a gentle curve which points towards the top of the cone. Their height falls just a few meters short of the platform which holds the Particle Cannon. All together the spikes and the cone hold a sort of trident shape when not in a battle, otherwise the spikes would be moving about in all directions. Just above the shoulders sit two large machinegun muzzles, these can move from side to side as well as up and down to keep up with a nimble target. Just above those, about half way up the spiral shaped cone sit a cluster of small spikes that point upwards at a leaning slant. These are the missile ducts and can be fired off at a moments notice. The top of the shell is flat to house the large particle cannon, shaped sort of like a massive telescope without a lenses. This is anchored down and fused to the shell at six points, one on each and every side to keep the weapon from pulling itself loose from the metal when it fires. Under that, just about where the two attack spikes end are the two anti-air guns which look like jet black aircraft cannons. The particle cannon is a dull grey with a dark red along the muzzle of the weapon.

Origin: Helbred was originally a random mutant that was seen off the coasts of Africa, not much was known about him other then he stayed away from humans and in general ran away from other kaiju. This was to be the second subject in the cyborg project, though the term "cyborg" is mostly a formality to tie the giant crab into the experiments that the labs carried out. He was lured onto a beach on an island off North America, massive piles of fish and fruit is what was used on him. When the crab trusted the people there, they started to brainstorm ideas. The simplest thing anyone could think of was to give the hermit crab a shell, this would mean that the monster would have no direct control of the machine and thus would be unable to inflict harm on his crew if the kaiju went rogue like the Tamerair did. The shell was then created and the crab was led to it by the beckoning of the small group that it trusts. Once the hermit caught sight of the shell he made a dash for it and quickly made it his new home, losing that jittery and frightened attitude almost instantly. The kaiju went to sleep on the spot, letting the GDF insert a probe into the monster's head, this was a small brain wave transmitter to let the monster work the weapons with it's mind, though this could easily be over ruled by the controls in the shell formed base. This same probe could stimulate parts of the crab's brain, either making it feel happy or sad, depending on if he was needed to be rewarded or punished at the time. The original group were soon made a 30 strong crew to live and work inside the shelled base, there they trained the crab and ran a few battle sims to get him used to the new firepower under his command. In the end the monster crab named Helbred was deemed a failure, without any real control over the monster it did what it wanted most of the time and it was disastrous when those wants were not the same as the GDF's. However, the crew on board still managed to wrangle the beast and turn him into a decent hero, just good enough that the GDF decided against further cyborgizing the monster or flat out killing Helbred. Even in failure they were one step closer to making a cyborg which could think on it's own as well as be controlled, but as of yet that was only a pipe dream.