Character Bio: Jordan by RawToonage on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Proof I have been working on the review on not slacking off.

Rawtoonage Review

**Warning:**the fanfic is incomplete and this review only covers the first 15 chapters published.


Lincoln and Kat:a year in the life is a loud house fanfic written by Rawtoonage that is about two kids named Lincoln Loud and Kat Ketchum forming supportive and meaningful bonds with not only their newly formed friend group but with one another. Unlike canon were Lincoln’s friend group was comprised of Clyde, Liam, Zach, Rusty, and Stella his friend group here is comprised of Kat, Jordan, Liam, and Haiku. The fanfic goes out of its way to develop said characters and grant them various moments reminiscent of the 90s Nickelodeon cartoon Hey Arnold. The protagonists Lincoln and Kat contrast each other in both family and background. Kat is an only child of a rich family while Lincoln is the only son of a house with 10 daughters. This version of Lincoln is unique among most fanfics, he has a constant ringing in his ears caused by to much sound from his older sister Luna therefore he listens to music to drown out the pain of the ringing. His sisters(with the exception of Lori) don’t play an important role in the story, it’s mostly focused on the bonds Lincoln makes with his new friends, especially Kat. However chapter .. details how hurt Lori was when Lincoln received his ear buds and it resolves with the two coming together over their shared love for their only brother.

The characters


As previously mentioned this version Lincoln Loud is unique amongst most online reimagining of Lincoln that he has an incurable hearing in his ears, therefore he constantly listens to music to drown out his tinnitus. In all honesty I didn’t understand the need for this


Kat in canon isn’t in any way memorable. Rawtoonage made her an interesting character or a character at all for that matter. As previously mentioned her background completely contrast with Lincoln background.

Girl Jordan

Remember that one line in “City Slickers “ where Clyde says “Hey Girl Jordan, the game is over”. Well that’s essentially what this version of her is built on. She’s the classic “bully turned buddy” trope in cartoons done her. Her development was well handled, spite it only lasting 2 chapters. The writer was able to give her some depth and her transformation from bully to buddy was personally believable yet it also managed to share a mindset that can be applied to not just kids but anyone regardless of age.


Liam is in all honesty not that different from canon. The only thing different is that he has a more in depth


In canon Haiku is Lucy’s best friend who shares very similar interest to her. In this fanfic she is completely rebooted. Gone is Lucy’s equivalent to Clyde and now is a quite goth who loves to put on magic shows and play video games. This is quite a departure from the character, in all honesty I believe it works. Not only does the video game aspect diverse her interests but it

The Loud Sisters

As previously mentioned the Loud sisters don’t play an important role. However the changes to them are noticeable enough. For starters Lori has a closer relationship to Lincoln. In one of the chapters Lincoln himself calls her his favourite sister albeit as a secret.


The fanfic is definitely worth reading as it not only explores the background of characters that aren’t usually given so much attention however the central concept of this fanfic is a double edge sword. Sure it allows these one and half dimensional characters to be more fleshed out and interesting but the whole appeal of Loud House, to me personally, is growing up in a big chaotic family. This story only has that to contrast the life of the other protagonist Kat. And maybe that’s fine. After all if every fanfic about Loud House focused on growing up in a big family then it would become less poetic and frankly more staggering. Having that central theme play a different role in this story and using it to bounce of the other main character grants this fanfic it’s own identity. Something I think is very important in works of art, make yours unique. So spite this fanfic not appealing to me it works as it own thing and if you want to read a story that’s just about a kid creating meaningful bonds with people from various walks of life that stars Lincoln, than this fanfic is for you.

In all honesty this is a simple fanfic without an overly dramatic plot lines and that’s a good thing. Some fanfics work without fantastical and exaggerated plot threads, allows for the story to be more grounded and believable. Having it be more believable makes it easier for the viewer to grasp. The chapter with the most stakes is a situation that can actually happen to you and me. In chapter … Lincoln goes to the hospital after a painful stomach period. In the end it is revealed he was in the hospital because of a parasite found in a water fountain. What makes this chapter so compelling is how believable this is, from my experience I have had my own periods of pain, though it usually ends up not being anything serious the way the writer