The Guardian Of The Musical Lake by raymayi on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

es de la historia de Mayi...
cuando Mayi se transformo, se fue de su mundo y fue donde hay mas de su especie.
Luego se topo con un lago que brillaba a la oscuridad de la noche, Mayi descanso hay, de repente, se escucho música que venia del lago, Mayi se acerco mas y del agua surgido un espíritu que le dijo:

_no temas, soy yinguei,la guardiana del lago musical, yo vine aquí para que puedas sobrevivir en este mundo,hay muchos peligros aquí, te daré mis poderes y mis habilidades, pero tienes evitar que tu lado oscuro te controle, sino haz una gran destrucción..._yinguei le extiende la mano a Mayi y ella si pensarlo dos veces, Mayi le da su mano a ella.... no dire nada mas que eso luego dibujare lo demas :3


It's from Mayi's story ...
when Mayi was transformed, he left his world and was where there is more of his kind.
Then he met a lake that shone in the darkness of the night, Mayi rest there is, suddenly, music was heard coming from the lake, Mayi came closer and from the water emerged a spirit that told him:

do not fear, I am yinguei, the guardian of the musical lake, I came here so you can survive in this world, there are many dangers here, I will give you my powers and my abilities, but you have to avoid that your dark side controls you, but make a great destruction...

yinguei extends her hand to Mayi and if she thinks twice, Mayi gives her hand to her .... I will not say anything more than that then draw the rest :3