Milos from Home Cover by ReagentNein on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Warning, this comic does contain swearing after the first chapter! Other content warnings can be found on this google doc if you think you might need them! It's a little spoilery but I wanna try and be considerate of people who might need them without spoiling people who would rather not, if you get what I mean. (I don't think it's too far off your standard nuzlocke type thing though)

Anyways, figured it was time for a cover update and look! Rare colors! Well, a little bit anyways.

I actually finally got to doing this because someone on comicfury asked for the QnA what a dungeonlocke was, which to be clear this is not anymore. I mean, I could say it is, but the gameplay for it ended up being pretty much nothing of note outside the regular story, and, well, I take a lot of liberties with even that. Also gonna try and make this a central link place maybe? I don't know if people will find it useful but, here it is!

(Chapter 1 is the same as the Next link up top, but I thought this might be clearer for newcomers. Which hi there, hope you like the comic!)


And the regular links to a maybe easier reading platform on Comicfury and my Patreon if you want to throw me some money~