reallynotuptoit - Writer | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Vampire-Tale: Part 9

You and your friend continue to walk until you get to the next room, where you see a familiar face. Sans! He notices you, smiles, and waves. Sheesh, you’re never gonna get used to the sight of a vampire skeleton. “heya, glad you made it this far. ‘m kinda surprised undyne hasn’t struck you down yet.” Wait, what? Undyne-who? “you seriously don’t know who undyne is? sheesh, have you been living underground your whole life or something?” Very funny. Hold on, is that a telescope behind him? “yeppers, the greatest in the underground. wanna take a look into it?” Eh, sure. What’s the harm? “sweet, that’ll be 50000g.” Oh. Huh. Yeah, no. You don’t have that much. You only have 5G, and that is only money you found under a bench. Not nearly enough. What is so great about this telescope anyway? “we’re underground, yes? and through this bad boy, you can see stars. neat, huh? tell ya what, i’ll let you use it for free. friend to friend, eh? think of it as a thank you gift for that bloody