so. much. purple. by reallytrulyRush on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

reallytrulyRush's avatar

Published: Jun 19, 2018


happy birthday to my amazing gal JesseLuvViolet!

you're a great person, and I love being able to consider you a friend.
I just
I dunno
Kinda wish it felt more like we were friends

It seems like we haven't really talked at all in the last couple months, which makes me super sad because one of my biggest fears is losing the people I care about
And I really care about you
I've looked up to you and admired your art for a really long time. I love the messages behind your drawings, and how hard you work to make the world a better place

I guess I'm just feeling like I don't deserve to be your friend is all
And you not replying to my comments as much is just kinda fueling that

Idk i'm partially sleepdrunk so i'm a little depressed so i'm rambling so you know what, just ignore all this

have a great birthday


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1825x2381px 5.37 MB