La Nuit Aux Loups by Red-Vanilla19 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Red-Vanilla19's avatar

Published: Mar 27, 2023


"Wolf's Night" I guess in english. haha! Some of those drawings are in progress. :)

Here is the project i'm working on since 6 years! My very first comic book with an editor, Casterman editions! The story is very special to me, and it's about my French Canadien culture inspired by our tales and legends. The adventure of those canadien kids takes place in 1816 in a snowy Quebec city where the werewolves seem to come out at night! A friend reported missing supposedly kidnapped, a werewolf hunter, british soldiers, and four children searching for the truth in the midst of this adult world.

Project still in progress that I estimate two more years of work before publication in bookstores. The comic book will be translated in English, of course!

For more drawings, go visit my instagram:

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