DAUGHTER OF THE RAINBOW Chapter 1 by RedJoey1992 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)


Chapter 1

Birth of a Princess/The Darkest Forewarning

It all began on a planet called Chromaria. It is a very distant Technicolor world with its size that puts the planet Jupiter and its ring system, composed of red, blue, orange, and purple crystals that reflect light, will make the rings of Saturn very envious. The dominant species are a race of people called the Chromarians. The Chromarians are similar to the Amazons who are physically bigger and stronger compared to normal humans. Also, the Chromarians also have the distinctive looks of the Asians but their own hair style is either one set or two or three or four sets of color.

The planet Chromaria is ruled by a beloved King and Queen. The King was very tall with a face like Spock, including a goatee, brown hair, and is dressed in very elegant Technicolor robes. The Queen is highly beautiful, with her hair that’s brown with the colors of red, orange, and purple hidden inside, her lips that’ll make the red, red rose feel ashamed, and wears the most elegant robes in all of Chromaria. Sometimes, the Chromarian women don’t know better when they are jealous of her. However, the King and Queen were longed for a child of their own. Sure there are children in Chromaria but alas, the King and Queen looked at all the families in Chromaria and they’ve wished that they can be a family just like everybody else. And then, their dream has come true, for a daughter was born, and they named her Kolora.

Soon, The King proclaimed a holiday throughout the entire planet, so that all race and estate will pay homage to their future leader. Thus, did all the people of Chromaria celebrated on the long-awaited birth of Princess Kolora. The King looked at his beloved queen and he said about how they want Kolora to become when she grows up. The Queen then said to him that while she was giving birth to Kolora, she gifted her with her beauty, his intelligence, and their courage. The King smiled and he said to his Queen how that maybe one day, their daughter will rule one day.

Suddenly, just as the King was about to declare, a dark blue-skinned figure with the head of a Bengal tiger with horns attached, the wings of a bat, and a very muscular body with armor shielding it, swooped in and crashed into the ceremony. That figure is none other than Marshall Horridark of the Warrades. The Warrades are a very brutal, extremely aggressive race of alien monsters straight from the planet Vietshima, which is a very dark and gritty planet in contrast of the beautiful and most colorful Chromaria. Marshall Horridark welcomes to the Chromarians with elegance and sophistication while they cower in fear and disgust. The King rose up and walks straight to Marshall Horridark while the Queen protected the infant Princess. It may started out as a conversation between the two at first, but suddenly, it became a heated argument until Marshall Horridark let out a huge forewarning to The King, The Queen, and to all the Chromarians. He shouted that tomorrow at dawn; the Warrades will lay siege on Chromaria and all that it stands for. He then later said that while his army will lay siege on the planet, He with his men will come and they threaten to kill the infant Princess. This sends out a really panic and shock to all throughout Chromaria, even the King and Queen are terrified, fearing about their newborn child getting killed by Horridark and his Warrade soldiers. Horridark then left the party. The King and Queen are very uneasy with what will happen tomorrow when Chromaria becomes under siege by the Warrades and their princess getting killed by Horridark and his army.

Later on that night, The King and Queen invited the members of the Great Council to discuss about Kolora’s fate and how to make sure it never happened. Many of them might suggest that she might be sent away to another planet with one of the members of the council to watch over her and guide her until when she’s old enough to return and bring back peace to Chromaria. However, the king disagreed that it won’t work because it’ll be just what the Warrades are expecting and they could still kill her. So, there’s been dozens and dozens of arguments about how to protect the child. Suddenly, the Queen arrived and she declared that it’s best if she was raised by a different race of people and she would’ve remained there so she would be safe. One of the members of the Great Council was thinking about that but he thinks it’s truly best if they send one of their members to watch over her. But the Queen still think that the King made a point about how the Warrades are going to expect that how one day, their daughter will return and they still will kill her, so she believes that it’s best for their daughter to be raised by a different race. Soon, after a two minute discussion, the Great Council agreed with the Queen’s decision and they asked her of what planet will the princess be raised on. The Queen then said that the planet where she’ll be raised is Earth, a planet within the Solar System.