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Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) CVII

Session 107.0 Matangalion Somewhere beyond time and space and transformed realities, six friends were still falling through a dimensional rift, but they no longer flailed about and tumbled and screamed. Yona snorted, stamping a hoof on nothing. “We there yet? Yona is bored!” “We’re all bored,” grumbled Gallus. “Well, except for Silverstream…” “Weeeee, woohoo!” whooped Silverstream, leaping into a 720-spin, then flashing into seapony form to dive into the undulating multicolored currents of spacetime. Off in the distance, Discord flew past on a broomstick, wearing a wicked witch costume and cackling madly, but even Smolder had given up on trying to get his attention. She’d taken to napping soundly while keeping an iron grip on Gallus, as if the griffon was her personal hoard in a space with precious few material objects. “How long has it been?” intoned Ocellus, hovering in a lotus position. She might have shapeshifted her legs slightly to make that easier. “Hours? Days? Mere