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LiteratureCodex Quest(s): A Codex Equus Story (Part 87)One of the unfortunate realities of urban brawls, as Mirthful learnt, is that it didn't matter how martially skilled or how well-armed you are if you’re an average mortal. If you are attacked on all sides by large numbers of opponents, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed. This was unlike in the movies and popular consciousness, where a lonesome bad-flank could easily take on groups of mooks in spectacular choreographed fashion with weapons and kung-fu - helped courteously by the mooks trying to take them on one by one ala ‘Mook Chivalry’ (to quote Cultura). There were exceptions of course. Heroes and champions throughout myth and history had been depicted tearing through whole ranks of enemies. But they were exceptions for a reason - more often than not, their super-mortal feats were made possible by super-natural/powerful equipment, magic or natures. Despite all the experience Mirthful had acquired, the equipment he had looted and the boons he had got, he still wouldn’t exactly qualifyAll

LiteratureCodex Quest(s): A Codex Equus Story (Part 87)One of the unfortunate realities of urban brawls, as Mirthful learnt, is that it didn't matter how martially skilled or how well-armed you are if you’re an average mortal. If you are attacked on all sides by large numbers of opponents, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed. This was unlike in the movies and popular consciousness, where a lonesome bad-flank could easily take on groups of mooks in spectacular choreographed fashion with weapons and kung-fu - helped courteously by the mooks trying to take them on one by one ala ‘Mook Chivalry’ (to quote Cultura). There were exceptions of course. Heroes and champions throughout myth and history had been depicted tearing through whole ranks of enemies. But they were exceptions for a reason - more often than not, their super-mortal feats were made possible by super-natural/powerful equipment, magic or natures. Despite all the experience Mirthful had acquired, the equipment he had looted and the boons he had got, he still wouldn’t exactly qualifyFeatured

[Zipp VR Daki B V2 [Commission]G5](

LiteratureCodex Quest(s): A Codex Equus Story (Part 87)One of the unfortunate realities of urban brawls, as Mirthful learnt, is that it didn't matter how martially skilled or how well-armed you are if you’re an average mortal. If you are attacked on all sides by large numbers of opponents, you’ll quickly get overwhelmed. This was unlike in the movies and popular consciousness, where a lonesome bad-flank could easily take on groups of mooks in spectacular choreographed fashion with weapons and kung-fu - helped courteously by the mooks trying to take them on one by one ala ‘Mook Chivalry’ (to quote Cultura). There were exceptions of course. Heroes and champions throughout myth and history had been depicted tearing through whole ranks of enemies. But they were exceptions for a reason - more often than not, their super-mortal feats were made possible by super-natural/powerful equipment, magic or natures. Despite all the experience Mirthful had acquired, the equipment he had looted and the boons he had got, he still wouldn’t exactly qualifyCodex Equus

[What if... [NATG XIV - D6]Twilight Sparkle](

PicnicStarlight Glimmer

Cousin! Kirin

Sunset and the Philosophers Stone.Sunset Shimmer

The Canterlot ChroniclesMoondancer

[RD Shadowbolt Daki B [Commission]Rainbow Dash](


Don't Talk To MeFluttershy

Rainbow Power Ponies SetApplejack

UnoPinkie Pie

Don't Talk To MeFlutterbat

PicnicTrixie Lulamoon

Two Little RulersCelestia

Two Little RulersLuna

Rarity: That face? (Halloween special)Cutie Mark Crusaders

[[Commission] It's Nice Being Evil TogetherNightmare Moon](

A Totally Normal Campfire | CommissionDaybreaker

[Coco Pommel Daki A [Commission]Background Ponies](

[Special Connection [Commission]Spike](

MLP:YL - Trying On Dad's ArmorShining Armor

TPoL - Interlude II - page 2/2Cadance

Somnambula - Character ExplorationPillars of Equestria

Allosaurus from the bookUitgestorven soorten


LiteratureNot Just Ponies: Conversion ImoogiNot Just Ponies: Conversion Imoogi By Kendell2 Set in Alexwarlorn's Not Just Ponies Verse. “This will teach you to walk into our turf, punk.” My name is Jimmy, and you're probably wondering how I ended up in an alley, surrounded by a street gang of New Grifflets, decked out in their gang's colors and everything. Simple I'm an idiot. A complete idiot. And I'm about to be a dead idiot. You probably know the story by now: one day Equestria showed up in the middle of the ocean and this freaky Veil started spreading. Turns out mana and magic is toxic to humans, like radioactivity. It's moving outwards from Equestria, and nothing weOther stories

LiteraturePonies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) CVIISession 107.0 Matangalion Somewhere beyond time and space and transformed realities, six friends were still falling through a dimensional rift, but they no longer flailed about and tumbled and screamed. Yona snorted, stamping a hoof on nothing. “We there yet? Yona is bored!” “We’re all bored,” grumbled Gallus. “Well, except for Silverstream…” “Weeeee, woohoo!” whooped Silverstream, leaping into a 720-spin, then flashing into seapony form to dive into the undulating multicolored currents of spacetime. Off in the distance, Discord flew past on a broomstick, wearing a wicked witch costume and cackling madly, but even Smolder had given up on trying to get his attention. She’d taken to napping soundly while keeping an iron grip on Gallus, as if the griffon was her personal hoard in a space with precious few material objects. “How long has it been?” intoned Ocellus, hovering in a lotus position. She might have shapeshifted her legs slightly to make that easier. “Hours? Days? MerePonies and Dragons Just Have Fun

LiteraturePonyPOVSeriesDarkWorldGaiden SirensVsNightmaresEND*N-No. No! I won't allow it! Nightmare Eclipse's defeat will not come at the cost of another horrible timeline! This vision will not come to pass! Time to give this story a real happy ending!* {Yes yes yes.} *Razzaroo?* {This timeline's at least. Need a miracle?} *Always.* *You're as much Twilight Sparkle as she is, what would remain in your heart no matter how twisted you were?* What would be the one part of her that might still exist in this twisted corrupted version of her? Twilight looked over Eclipse and her friends as the Rainbows continued to fight back and forth...That's it! “, Twilight Sparkle!” TwilighPony Pov Series

LiteratureEquestria: Across the Multiverse - Jaunt 111Jaunt 111.0 - morion87 Iron Blood Sunset Sunset wasn't liking what she was hearing from Princess Celestia as the princess finished what she was saying. "You mean that I-" "Have not been seen in Equestria for thirty years Sunset. I know you are not her, but it is good to see you again," Celestia replied. That caused the girls to share a look. This was new to all of them, but it was Twilight who finally asked what they were all thinking. "What happened?" Celestia sighed as she and Sunset shared a knowing. "I assume you all know how Sunset used to be, correct?" They all nodded, even if Sunset herself winced at the memory. "Then you know howEquestria across the multiverse