Mahoromatic WIP -old- by redroseelcamino on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

redroseelcamino on DeviantArt

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redroseelcamino's avatar

Published: Feb 7, 2012


This was a gift to my brothers soon to be ex wife for their wedding. Unfortunately I finished this hours before we left to AZ for the wedding and forgot to take a picture of it completed.

Now that they are getting divorced so soon after being married I don't think I will ever get a picture of this completed. It came out really really nice for it being rushed.

Image size

2048x1536px 590.07 KB

Date Taken

Sep 7, 2011, 2:53:51 AM

Ohthehumanityplz's avatar

Wow! I thought you printed this out, but that's pretty good for a redesign. When you say acrylic, you mean it! Excellent work, the only problem is poor camera quality, but good job on this.