ReekaRose - Hobbyist, General Artist | DeviantArt (original) (raw)


The Prophecy

With the current path of the world unchanged, filled with such hate and fear, the Great Demon shall one day return. Feeding off the darkness and chaos of the world, it has only grown stronger in the centuries of imprisonment. In the time before the Great Demon awakens, new threats will flood the land. Monsters born from corruption will run rampant and destroy all in their path. The Great Demon's followers will return, wreaking havoc, causing more fear to fill the world. This darkness will cast a shadow of hate over the land That no one race can stand against. In this time of darkness there will be one beacon of light. Hope, in the form of a child born from an unlikely union. This child will have the ability to spread light to others' hearts, to drive the darkness away. Restoring balance to the world, through their own path. So many lives will be affected by this one child, Fate will draw others in hoping to sway the balance. Some will stand beside them in the coming battles