Animated Atrocities: Crocker Shocker by Regulas314 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Show: The Fairly Oddparents
Episode: 106a
Year: 2009

Writer(s): Amy Keating Rogers (Story), Ken Sullivan
Director(s): Gary Conrad

I think I may just hate this episode even more than “Vicky Gets Fired”. Mr. Crocker was my favorite villain in the show; he was the perfect mix of diabolical and hilarious to me, plus bat-shit crazy. After “The Secret Origin of Denzel Crocker!”, I actually began to feel sympathy for the guy and genuinely began to like him as a character. Too bad it didn't take long for him to become a butt monkey that would make _Family Guy_’s Meg Griffin jealous! An episode about him being cured of his fairy obsession is a great idea for a Fairly OddParents episode: maybe have somebody else become insane in his place because Timmy got fast and loose with his magic with no fairy hunter out to get him, and have Timmy go back in time to try and fix both of them only for Crocker to revert. If done this way, it would actually seem natural and not as much of an ass-pull.

But this episode IS an ass-pull, through and through! Because Crocker doesn't believe in fairies anymore, Fairy World is running out of magic because, as it turns out, it runs on people's belief in fairies. This is something I can actually believe; after all, there are tons of godchildren out there and many other kids that believe in fairies. But no, instead, all of the magic for Fairy World since about 1972 has been coming from Denzel Crocker's insanity! You know that Venture Bros. episode “Eeney, Meeney, Miney... Magic!” where it was revealed Rusty was using an orphan's heart to power a pleasure chamber? This is way more evil than THAT! And in Rusty's defense, he didn't use the WHOLE orphan! Jorgen is the one who CAUSED Crocker to become completely insane by overdosing him on Forgeticin, aging him 50 years, and generally warping his brain entirely! And using madness of the guy who was once considered the greatest godchild ever as a power source is just pure EVIL!

Timmy goes to great lengths to try and make Crocker go insane again to save the fairies; honestly, they don't deserve it with what they've been doing. If they run out of power Fairy World will plunge into GIANT BUCKET OF ACID WORLD! WHO THE FUCK BUILDS A HOME OVER SUCH A PLACE!? If Crocker isn't miserable and evil, Fairy World is doomed! And honestly, I wouldn't care; my greatest enemy is finally happy for once, years of psychological damage have been undone, and no more fairies means nobody else will ever have to suffer that kind of mental trauma! Sure, it's less magic, but the good outweighs the bad. Honestly, I can live without fairies and so could Timmy.

Even when he sends Crocker to FAIRY WORLD ITSELF, it doesn't seem to break through to him whatsoever! He was hypnotized by his therapist into losing his belief. So what you're saying is, therapy doesn't really work for most people, but hypnosis does? What? As it turns out, there IS a way to reverse the hypnosis: the therapist’s secret phrase nobody would ever say to Crocker is the key to undoing it. Unfortunately, it may be one of the most fucked up things this show has ever done. You see, the phrase needed to make Crocker obsesses and evil again is: "Mr. Crocker, you're the greatest teacher ever!" That is absolutely fucked up! It isn't ironic either, it's just cruel. With how happy Crocker had become and how popular his newfound sanity was making him, somebody was BOUND to say that exact phrase word-for-word and completely undo any happiness he had! It's almost as if the therapist knew this would happen and programmed that phrase intentionally to spite Crocker.

And after Timmy says the phrase to make Crocker insane once more, Jorgen decides to rely on the insanity of not just one fairy obsessed madman, but ALL OF THEM on the entire planet! Crocker lookalikes in every country on the planet completely fairy obsessed! You know? I think Jorgen intentionally warps kids who reveal their fairies into that decayed miserable form Crocker has. Wouldn't it be more efficient to rely on the belief of children a la Peter Pan? “Clap you hands if you believe”, that sort of thing. But I guess in the 21st century, you're not going to find any child willing to believe in fairies unless they got them! Relying on insane adults for power just doesn't seem ethical in the slightest; matter of fact, it isn't at all. From concept to execution, next to “It’s a Wishful Life”, this is the most disturbing and downright disgusting episode of The Fairly OddParents.

Cringe-Inducing Audio: 4
Cringe-Inducing Visuals: 0
Lackluster Writing: 8
Annoyance: 9
Disturbing Content: 5
Unnecessary Cruelty: 7
Rancid Morality: 0
Low Production Values: 0
Unfortunate Implications: 7
Character Derailment: 4

Final Score: 44/100

Fairly Oddparents is owned by Nickelodeon and Viacom

Animated Atrocities is from :iconmrenter:
