The Divinity by RejectedApe on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

WHEW!! Sorry everyone for not being so active!Sweating a little... With my job and school and my personal life being balanced on my head, I wasn't able to do some art for a while! The next Be More Nice comic is going to be delayed (Its taking longer than I expected) so here have this!I am a dummy!

Someone not so long ago asked me who ZOI was, due to Ramsey and Grenade using "Oh my ZOI" or "What in ZOI's name". I guess I shoud start explaining who ZOI is Sweating a little...

A man by the name of John Gamble was reasearching African life during the late 1800 when he accidentally stumbled across cave drawings after falling down from a hole. During the late 1800, dinosaur bones were being discovered more with excitement.

He was curious of the drawings to find one particular drawing that stood out from the rest. A giant lizard of blue skin.

He found even more of the blue lizard in many other places of Africa, Asia, North America, and Central America. The people called this blue lizard many names.

"Lán sè guówáng" from Asia, "Mjusi wa nyota na anga" from Africa, and "Quod stella Lacerta agilis" from Central America. John felt this creature was a spirit that early man and perhaps even the dinosaurs have respected and worshiped. He decided to name the blue lizard ZOI, a greek word for "life".

After the disaster of Jurassic Park in 1993, many people from puerto rico say that they've sited a large velociraptor roaming around nieghborhoods and beaches during the night.

One january morning, poor homeless old man was found in the beach, unconscious. Waking up in the hospital, they questioned what had happened to him. The old man responded,

"I was looking for food in the dumpster when I heard large footsteps coming towards me. I thought it was a police officer and so I turned around, already having an apology in my head. However, when I turned, I saw the this large creature before me! It was larger than a house, reaching only to the balcony of the house I was next to."

He described the creature, it had dark blue scales with hints of sky blue. It was decorated with white glowing spots that resembled stars. Had decorative feathers of blue, green, and purple. And its eyes seemed to held the entire galaxy in them.

The creature didn't attack him, rather turned away and head towards the beach. The old man followed, and suddenly lost consciousness. The last thing he saw as the sky turned red and gold, was the creature looking at him.

Many didn't believe his story and believed it was made up. A few believed him, yet there didn't seem to be any proof.

Now I'm christian, and I certinatly don't believe in any other god. So ZOI is only a spirit. Who knows.

A large backstory, sorry everyone. Sweating a little...
This is al just non-fiction and it isn't to be taken seriously.

Summer vacation is coming soon everyone! Are you excited! :D (Big Grin) :D (Big Grin)

(P.S. I also realized this is my first time drawing the entire body of a velocitraptor and I forgot to draaw the rest of the bacl leg of this king! CURSE YOU! Sorry for that guys I think I've fainted.)
ZOI RejectedApe
Jurassic Park belongs universal studios