linetest cat-thing? by Remarin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

Ayy first week of studying animation, and boy I feel like these next 2-3 years I'll be learning quite an amount of useful stuff.

--total 8 frames, animated "on twos" (i.e. 16 frames a second?)

This first little animation exercise didn't have any specifics, we were asked to do something random with the main purpose to check out how to use the linetest program and camera set-up thingies. I'm not very used to animating traditionally, so instead of a normal run-cycle I opted for a more leaping kinda cycle. I don't remember how much time we had to make this,, 1 hour? 2? Doing alternating foot-fall patterns would've risked getting messy and unreadable with the amount of time we had.

(concerning the one frame with a weird shadow - the prof is hoping for a better lighting set-up in the future, because right now the best is to just use the natural daylight and I noticed a bit late that you cast a shadow on the images by just standing next to the table oops)

So far most classes were mainly just listening to info about the oncoming semester and explanations on the material. Though I expect things will speed up quite soon!


for anyone interested in the terms: "linetest" as we were told, refers to when traditional animators scan the roughs to test how the movement flows,, they'll sometimes do temporary quick adjustments right then and there if something looks off, and then when it looks better go back and do the adjustments properly.