workinprogress.3-PBO by Remarin on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

The other ones weren't titled like this, but this is technically still the third WIP from this project, PBO meaning "project breakout"
(I'm absolutely doing this thing in random order, yes)
and boyohboy I'm slowly getting the hang of how frames are translated into time
12 frames, played at a rate of 12 frames per second makes 1 second of footage --ROCKETSCIENCE!--

Though I think this is currently at 16 frames a second,, and I got a question, is it a big "no-no" if you switch between frame rates during handdrawn animation? (nothing too drastic, will try at least to keep it inbetween 12-16 f/s)

This scene is currently 67 frames, with the 13 first already lined. Still got a long way to go.
When I get to doing the lineart of the last camera turn, I'll distribute the turning motion more evenly,, ground and background will also need some looking after >:T I still gotta get used to doing things in separate run-throughs, like after the wolf is all done, I'll have to go back and correct ears and muzzles to make them all even

btw, I did try to make the second jump look like it suddenly became slow-motion, but decided to delete most of the extra frames afterwards because 1. it looked like it was done mistakenly, 2. it didnt realistically make sense for the pacing of the scene (like it would just be for the sake of looking fancy, and not actually significant to the moment itself) I might do it in a different instance, where it would actually make sense to build tension

-Drawn in Krita!

Previous version
sketch Run+camera movement by Remarin