SW - To The Stars by Renny08 on DeviantArt (original) (raw)

This is a CLASSIC!!! Haha!! X°D

Anakin and Ahsoka looking at the stars...this VERY ORIGINAL idea suddenly came into my mind and I had to draw it!

I have to say it was more difficult than I had thought; I had several troubles in making them look like they were actually laying on the grass, with getting the right perspective, anatomy and such, but in the end I guess it turned out...kinda right?


At the beginning it was supposed to be a more light hearted pic, but then I just thought that Anakin isn't the kind of guy who'd just relax for a damn moment in his life and stop thinking about depressing things... haha no, I'm quite exaggerating now, but we who have read our beloved Matthew Stover's novelization of Revenge Of The Sith know very well that the thing that impresses Anakin the most is the fact that even stars burn out.

So my take at the stargazing subject from his POV, was that this is just another reminder of the moment in which he saw this dead star and realized that all things die (which as you know, is his main concern...). So the reason he has that worried/sad expression, as well as the tense position, relates to this.
I wanted him to look like he's not feeling comfortable at all, or he's already ready to get up at any moment...while Ahsoka is just enjoying the moment!! :> I like how her smile came out.

Also, I realized I hadn't drawn them since that fanart I uploaded at the beginning of February, which means MORE THAN A MONTH!!! Aaagh, it's time I come back to some brotherly pics with them. I HAVE IDEAS!! :'D

Well, I hope you enjoy it! :D

PS: No seriously...why the hell do I always write SO MUCH in my descriptions?? I mean, it's just a stupid drawing with my two favorite guys looking at the stars and look at how philosophical I got...I just can't help putting some strange meaning behind my stuff lol!