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[TGTF Ditty] The Tomboyish Fairy Dialogue

Not long after he returned from another dimension, lab tech Jim Boom was referred to upper management. Apparently, he was in violation of company policy for ‘consorting with extra-planar Japanese women during a sanctioned training exercise.’ This was appealed to upper management, and sent back down for judgment. Jim pleaded guilty. Why? He enjoyed his time in Gensokyo, if he was honest. No shame in that. The managers of his department in the Atlanta branch of the occult operations corporation OCCINTEL swiftly reprimanded him. They put him on probation, which was a fancy procedure that essentially amounted to a stern warning. ‘Don’t do that again.’ Or rather, don’t do that again on company time with official assets in tow. That was the big bust they got the new agent for, taking his issued smartphone and badge (that kills demons) with him into an alternate reality without filing the proper paperwork or contacting a notary. Procedure at OCCINTEL made Jim’s head spin, so the